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"Robin?" Regina asked from the other side of the line and he felt his heart break. There was no doubt that she had been crying and it took every single piece of his being to stay calm and not immediately rush over to her house.
"What's wrong?" he asked, unable to hide his fear and the fact he was worried.
"My mother."
Okay, maybe you should already go to your car, there's a pretty good chance Cora told her something that isn't true. The voice in his head said, the same voice that had pushed him to open up to her about his feelings for her.
"What happened?"
"She came over, unexpected, and-"
She was rambling and got interrupted by herself, when her breath hitched and she was unable to speak.
"What do you need me to do?" he asked her, even though he already knew what she needed, they had this conversation a million times before.
"Just come over."
"I'm on my way."

When Regina opened the door it was clear that Cora has been hurting her deeply. He didn't say anything, just wrapped her in his arms and she immediately started crying. Again. So there was something incredibly wrong, because she always tried to hide her feelings and then failed miserably, but today she didn't even tried it. He felt his heart break into a million pieces once again.
"Hey, it's okay." he whispered into her hair. "I'm here now, she's gone."
"I know." Regina said between two sobs. She was calming down again. Good.
"What happened?" Robin asked when she stopped crying, but she didn't leave his embrace and they were still standing in her hallway. Not that he minded that.
He could hear that it was hard for her to tell him, even though she barely spoke. So he interrupted her.
"Shhh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"But I do." she admitted quietly.
"What about we go to the living room first? We're still in the hallway." He was still wearing his coat, even though she half drowned it in her tears. Regina saw it too.
"I'm sorry." she whispered.
"There's nothing to be sorry about M'lady." Robin smiled while putting his coat away. After he did so, he grabbed her hand and leaded her towards the living room.

Once they were there he sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap.
"So what happened?" he asked her again.
"She said I didn't took good care of my belongings." Regina muttered into his shoulder.
If Cora meant her house and everything like that, she couldn't be more wrong, because there was nothing that was not taking good care of or cleaned. Regina's house was spotless and everything that was messy was or his fault, or Henry's, or Roland's, but not hers. But that wasn't everything, 'cause Regina kept talking.
"She also said these jeans didn't fit the way she liked."
Which was Cora's way of telling her daughter that she was fat. Which she wasn't, but Cora told her so anyway.
"That's not true sweetie." Robin said softly. There was no way he was letting her believe that. Maybe he actually dreamed this, but he was pretty sure she actually lost a few pounds since the last time he saw her. Which was three days ago, because Roland came up with a cold.
But instead of admitting she wasn't, she just chanced subject and told him her mother told her something else too. That was a bit of a surprise, because most of the time, Cora just told her daughter these two things and in the following two weeks, Robin tried to talk some sense into his girlfriend and tried to convince her that her mother didn't told the truth. And then Cora visited again and he could start over with telling her that she didn't have to chance. It always goes like that. But apparently not now. Which was probably also why she was so upset right now. Cause Cora told her something else.
"She said you're not good enough for me." Regina whispered. "Mother always thinks you should go up and you're-"
"I'm down, I got it." Robin interrupted her. There was something about the fact she just had an emotional breakdown in front of him, because of him, that was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.
Regina looked up at him. The last time she had this conversation with a guy he almost left her. Robin didn't move and just looked at her. With something in his eyes she couldn't exactly name.
"Robin-" but he interrupted her again.
"I actually told myself the same thing when we started dating. That I'm not good enough for you and I never will be. That's just how it is."
"Don't say that." she whispered and he could tell she was about to start crying again.
"It's okay. Cause you told me you don't care about titles and statuses and everything like that. And I'm so lucky with you, I wouldn't dream of messing this up."
Regina smiled.
"But can I ask you something?" he asked her.
"Sure." she answered while shifting in his embrace and leaned her forehead against his.
"Was that, that Cora told you I'm not enough for you, was that the reason you had you're little breakdown thingie?"
Because they were so close, his breath was tickling her lips.
"It was. Cause she could hurt me as much as she wants, but she not laying one single finger on you. Or the boys. Because I do have my limits."
After she said that, she moved a bit back, giving herself and Robin space to breath.
"You have no idea how many times I have been plotting to kill her because of everything she's putting you trough." Robin admitted.
"I can handle it." Regina told him.
"You can tell yourself you can, but you won't fool me. I know it's hurting you and I can't handle seeing you so broken. I just can't."
Instead of answering, she just kissed him.
"Thank you." she whispered when they broke apart and he didn't ask for what, 'cause it probably was for showing up, helping her, loving her, and just simply being him. There was no need for asking what she meant, so he didn't. He just kissed her once again.

Okay, let's do something different. I will post the next chapter when I have 5 comments and 10 votes, because nobody had commented before and I really want to know what you guys think. I want 10 votes, because I believe the highest I got was 6 and I want to break that record. So vote & comment and there will be a new One Shot!

Outlaw Queen One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu