Anniversary (7 Months OQ One Shots)

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On June 24th 2016 I started writing this book, meaning that today, January 24th 2017, I started this book 7 months ago. So here some cute OQ Anniversary fluff to celebrate 😊

The early morning sun was peeking through the curtains of her bedroom, the bedroom they were currently both in.

Robin (and Roland) didn't live with Regina and Henry (yet), but came over regularly. And today was one of the days where Robin stayed over while Roland wanted to stay with the Merry Men and Henry stayed with Emma and her pirate-boyfriend. So they were alone.

And it also happened to be their 7 months anniversary.

Maybe that's why the kids both left.

Robin, popped up on his left elbow, was watching her sleep, watching the way her chest lightly rose and fell, the way she seemed so calm and relaxed, the way she was slightly smiling. 
God she was stunning.
Before he could stop himself he had reached out and twirled a lock of her hair around his finger, and continued to play with her hair while he stayed concentrated on her face.
Did he already mention she was stunning?

Then she started to wake up, and her her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him and she smiled wider.

"Happy 7 months anniversary my love." Robin whispered and now her eyes were sparkling too.

"Is it really already 7 months? It feels like yesterday it all started." Regina replied.

"Time flies when you're having fun I suppose."

"Is that why days, and nights," she added with a smirk,  "are 10 times shorter when I'm with you?"

"Mmhh, probably." Robin replied. "We do have a lot of 'fun' though."

Then Regina moved on top of him and pressed her lips to his.

"How about we have some fun right now? The boys aren't here anyway." She whispered against his lips and then without giving him any time to respond, lifted his shirt over his head and threw it across the room in one smooth motion.

"God Regina, why are you so good at this?" Robin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, you tell me." Regina whispered back before crashing their lips together again. She forced her tongue into his mouth and yes, she really was a good kisser.

Robin brought one hand up into her hair, while he placed the other on her hip.

Then he lifted her shirt (actually, it was his shirt now he thought of it) over her head, and wasn't for the first time glad that she didn't wear a bra when she went to bed.

"You're beautiful you know that?"

"You may have told me that the past seven months."

Then they both decided they had talked enough and finished undressing each other.

After some 'fun' they laid next to each other again.

"Robin?" Regina asked shakily after she somehow had gathered her breath again.

"Yes love?"

"Move in with me and Henry."

"Is Henry okay with that?"

"He's so happy with it you don't even know."

"Then yes, Roland and I will move in with you."

"Love you."

"Love you too babe." Robin replied and then they got up and decided to make themselves some breakfast.

So this is the closest I've ever gotten to writing smut 😂
Anyway, I hope y'all liked this, and thank you for sticking with me for 7 months 💕.

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