Who... ?

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I'm so sorry for taking so long to upload oml. I just needed to focus on school for a bit (actually need to do that till the end of the school year) and I'm not allowed to write anymore cuz that's distracting me (still write tho oops). But also, my dad follows me on here (remind me again why I though that was a good idea, ugh) so he knows when I update aka I can't really update that often.
OTP Questions and answers, Outlaw Queen style!

Who's the cuddler?
In most scenario's, it's Robin. Robin is the one who pulls her in first, Robin is the one walking up behind Regina when she's cooking and hugs her from behind. Robin is the first one to admit that after a crappy day all he needs is a hug.
But, sometimes it's Regina. Sometimes she just walks up to him and wraps her arms around him, Robin of course hugging her back right away.
So, technically both, I just think Robin is cuddly-er than Regina, and that she is also the one sometimes not wanting a hug.

Who makes the bed?
Without a doubt Regina. Regina is the one responsible enough to do it honestly, the one caring about whether or not their bed is made. Not that Robin never does it, it's more that Regina does it most of the times.

Who wakes up first?
Hmmm, though one. Probably Robin, mostly because I think Regina isn't a morning person at all. I think Regina is the one need 3 alarms to wake up, while Robin can wake at sunrise without any problem. So I think Robin wakes up even before Gina's first alarm (now I can't let it go that she needs multiple alarms) to watch her sleep peacefully, both of them smiling adorably, only one aware of it. Then Robin chuckles softly when Regina groans and shifts when her alarm goes. And finally he really wakes her up by either kissing her senseless or literally dragging her out of bed, with nothing in between.

Who has the weird taste in music?
Regina. Robin hasn't been exposed long enough to any kind of music besides the lullaby's from the Enchanted Forest to really develop a music taste. I also weirdly enough think that Regina would listen to all those rock kind of things, the question of course is: is that really a "weird" taste in music ;-). Oh and btw, Robin would listen to whatever Regina listens to of course.

Who is more protective?
Of each other? Because Regina is so goddamn protective of Henry, it's almost impossible to be more protective. But for real, I think both. I think both would go to hell and back (get the season 5 reference, also ugh season 5) to make sure the other is safe of any kind of danger, whether it's a villain or just a person flirting or you know that kind of stuff.

Who sings in the shower?
I mentioned Robin and music earlier, and I discovered this one is also tricky. Maybe Regina because she doesn't like to sing for people, but the shower is strangely safe. Maybe Robin so he can show he knows all the songs Regina keeps replaying without having to face her. Maybe they're both afraid to sing in front of the other, maybe they're not afraid at all. Maybe they're just like me and don't sing in the shower because of the fact that singing sounds better in the shower is (for me at least) a complete and utter lie and it still sounds crappy. So I'm torn between both and neither.
(I asked my sister this question and she says Robin y'all)

Who cries during movies?
I don't think Robin really cries, unless there is something horribly wrong. And I also don't think a movie applies as "horribly wrong", so Regina. She would pick out a cheesy movie and then cry while Robin holds her close and tries to understand what the frick is exactly so sad about two persons breaking up in the rain with sad music in the background. Like okay, maybe they just weren't meant to be, no reason to cry right?

Who spends the most while shopping?
Obviously Regina. I don't even think I really have to explain this one hehe. But anyway, Regina probably has more money as well. Also let's face the fact that most men hate shopping, and Robin is no exception. Regina would also buy cloths for him, so Robin himself doesn't really have to shop lol.

Who kisses more roughly?
Uhm, Regina. I think Robin would like to take things slow. So when Regina would be like "LET'S GO" and starts to undress and kissing roughly and stuff Robin is like "Let's not" and slows things down. But I also see it happening that they drink a few drinks and then both have something like "it's time for the wild stuff" (ahem taco's / s'mores). (Also, their relationship is probably Robin stopping Regina from things let's be honest, so why not from the rough, fast and wild stuff)

So what do you guys think? Did I do this right? Do you agree? Please comment, I'm desperate for approval of my beliefs 😂😂😂
Oh and would you like a part 2 of this? And if you have an OTP question, be free to ask so I can include it in the second part, as long as you guys want that of course.

P.S. I currently don't have that much inspiration for OQ, so who knows when the next chapter will be up.

I almost have 5K readers though WHOOOO
Thank you guys so much for keeping up with me 😊😊

Also, I'm thinking about making a poll on Twitter about what I should do when I hit 5K readers, I'm SaftyxOQ on Twitter, so pls tell me what you think about that.

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