Three Little Words

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So here's Three Little Words! I hope you like it.

"I love you."
These words, these three little words, they make everything real. Whatever they have, it just makes it real. Makes it harder when they lose everything. Cause it was impossible this was happening. That she finally could be happy without fate playing a cruel game with her. Without breaking her heart.
It was not like she didn't see it coming, that he would never say it, but when he did, she still stared at him.
"What?" Regina whispered.
"I. Love. You." Robin repeated.
"You do?" she asked, still sure this had to be a dream, that she would finally wake up and that he was gone, because there's no chance he would still be with her. Not after everything she did in the past, even when he already told a thousand times before that the past was behind them and that she wasn't that person anymore. That she wasn't a villain.
"I do." Robin said softly while he lifted up his hand and brushed a lock of hair out of her face.
"It's okay." he interrupted her. "You don't have to say it. You can say it whenever you're ready, I can wait."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's alright." Robin smiled.
Then it was silent for a few moments, the two of them just looking at each other while it got darker and darker outside, except for the full moon, the moon was still shining bright.
"Mmm." he just answered, while looking at the fireplace, where a fire was burning happily.
"Today we met exactly three months ago."
"I know."
"You do?"
"I already told you back then, I wouldn't ever forget meeting you."
"You said you doubted it."
"Same thing." Robin said, while looking back at her.
It was silent again, but now, both of them wanted to say something, but neither of them knew what to say. So they didn't say anything.
"Today three months ago I found that you are my soulmate." Regina said quietly.
"Today three months ago we almost kissed." Robin mentioned. "And you ran away." he laughed.
"Thank you very much for reminding me about that."
"You're welcome." Robin smiled.
"Well, we wouldn't want to make the same mistakes we did back then, would we?"
"What the almost kiss, or the running away?" Robin joked.
Regina almost slapped him for that, but decided that two can play in this game he was playing with her.
"I don't know, you tell me."
"Well, to be fair, I don't want neither of those two. Is that an option too?"
"Hmmm, I'll think about it." she answered and then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her. It didn't took them very long before the things got more heated and more needed.
When they needed to breath they finally parted.
"I love you." Robin said again and every time he said it, it became more easier to say.
Regina didn't respond, just crashed her lips onto his again. They could get used to this. And if they didn't want to go any further, they should  stop right now with what the hell they're doing, cause otherwise they would do things they would regret later (okay, maybe not, but they still wouldn't do anything).
Then Regina spoke again, between kisses. "It's." kiss "Pretty late." kiss "Maybe." kiss "We should." kiss "Go upstairs."
"Maybe we should." Robin agreed.

It still took them ten minutes before they finally headed towards their bedroom and then it took them fifteen more minutes before they were finally ready to actually go to sleep.
When they lied down, with her in his arms and already drifting to sleep, Regina realised something.
"Yes love?" Robin muttered into her hair.
"I love you too."

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