First day

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Today is that day.

First day in a new school, I can't wait.  Note sarcasm. Getting up from the comfort and warmth of my new bed I go over to my bathroom and go through my morning routine.

I do my makeup, just a light dusting of foundation over my natural olive skin, thanks to my mum. Some eyeliner to outline my big almond shaped blue eyes and a small amount of mascara. Done. Don't want to overdo it like some girls do. Looking at my reflection I give myself a mental pep talk. I've never really struggled to make friends, but living in one place all my life, I've never actually been the 'new girl'. The friends I had in high school were my friends in elementary and we all just grew up together.

However today I am the new girl and I'm slightly nervous. Taking a final glance at my make up to check everything is as it should, I shake my damp hair out. It reaches half way down my back in dark brown waves. I've always had long hair, I never let my mum cut it when I was younger as I thought it was going to make me look like a boy.  My best friend back home, Tammy was always jealous of my hair. In a teasing way though, I knew she never really meant it. She had straight hair that had a tendency to frizz in certain weather. She always said I was the whole package. Beauty and brains.

I miss being back home. But I suppose this is my home now.

Without being vain, I know from the looks and attention I get from guys that I'm good looking. I never like to flaunt it though. I'm just not that type of girl to go from guy to guy. I've only really ever had one serious boyfriend and we ended it two years ago when we realised we were better as friends, but let's be honest here, how serious can you be at fourteen?

I've never actually gotten past about three dates with a guy since then, as soon as they realise they aren't going to 'get any' after three dates they back off and move on to the next girl. Hopefully she's as smart as I am. I mean I'm not saving my self for marriage or anything but my virginity is something I want to keep until I know I'm ready and it's the right guy. I'm only 16, and high school guys really are jerks sometimes.

Moving out of the bathroom to my wardrobe I try to decide what look I want to go for today? I decide on black skinny jeans, a plain white fitted tee shirt, and my grey leather jacket. That should keep me warm enough. I may have to go shopping to go and get some warmer clothes, it's not really beach weather here most of the time like back at home.

Really need to stop thinking about back home. Here is home now.

I'll have to remember to ask Aunt Sara where the best place to go is, that boutique in town I don't think will have what I want. Pulling on my comfy black calf boots I'm ready for the day, well ready for breakfast at least.

Aunt Sara is already sat at the small kitchen table eating pancakes and sipping her coffee. Dressed in paint splattered jeans and baggy top, her hair is tied back in a messy bun, she looks ready for the day too.

"Hey, there's fresh coffee in the pot and pancakes on the side if you want some?"

Following the smell of the coffee I make my way over to the pot and pour a large mug of black coffee, adding two sugars. Perfect. Just the way I like it. Taking some pancakes off the stack and pouring a generous amount of maple syrup, I go and sit next to her.

"So are you working from home today or at your studio?" I ask her, taking a small sip of coffee.

"I'll drop you off at school, then go straight to the studio. I'll stay there till you finish school and come pick you up. That ok by you?"

"Yeah that's great thanks. I was thinking I may need some warmer clothes, could we maybe go shopping at the weekend? Is there a mall near by we could go to?"

The Wolves ***Book One in River Falls Series***Where stories live. Discover now