Chapter 13 Part 5

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It's time to rock and roll. I adjust my cap, put my goggles in place, and shake my arms back and forth while I jump up and down to loosen up. The official calls for my event, and I stand beside the start block. "Event two hundred meter backstroke, swimmers enter the water." I take a deep breath before jumping in and grabbing the bars on the start block and placing my feet on the wall. I take another deep breath, and it's time. The official preps for the race. "Swimmers, take your mark, set," and the gun fires. I explode off the wall and streamline past the flags and continue before taking the first stroke. The water is cool, and I know it's time to pace myself. I can see the flags in my peripheral vision, and I start to count. One, two, three, four, turn on five and flip turn and push off the wall with all my might. I repeat this process for two more laps, and then on the final lap, I turn up the heat and try to push past my previous times in practice. I see the flags and hear the stands and team cheering as I touch the wall. I glance to the board and see 2:11:01. Oh. My. Gawsh. Best time ever! And this is just an exhibition meet!

I get out of the pool and remove my goggles and cap. Then, I am greeted by my teammates. We huddle and do our team cheer again. I glance to the stands and see my parents hollering at me, Piper and Tessa proceed to do the cabbage patch. Like really, we did that in middle school. Cash is standing there with his hands on his hips sporting a crooked little grin trying not to laugh at Tessa and Piper. He gives me a high five in the air, and I return the process. That's our thing. The lacrosse guys and Joe have come up with their own cheer for our team. "Who loves the girls of Southern? Lax Boys do!" Tori, Georgia, Sarah, and I all laugh. We cheer on our teammates until it's time for relays. I've been waiting for this event since like forever! The official calls four by two hundred meter medley relay. I look at Tori, Georgia, and Brittany. "Let's do the damn thing, y'all!" We have created our own warm-up moves for everyone to know who we are. Brittany takes the iPod and plugs it into the speaker. Miley Cyrus' "We Can't Stop" blares through. We all walk in a line with an arm on the person in front of us as we step and roll to the sides and make our way to our lane. The lacrosse boys go crazy. We give them a hard time most days, but boy do we love to have fun with them at Hank's. Needless to say, they are in for it tonight. We laugh, bump hips and take places. Brittany turns down the music as the official gives her the evil eye and begins, "Four by two hundred meter medley relay, backstrokes enter the water." I adjust my cap and goggles and jump in. There is no nervous energy this time. Instead, I'm elated to be in this event and kick some ass. I grab the starting block, place my feet on the wall, take a deep breath, and wait for the official. "Swimmers, take your mark, set..." I pull myself up into position, and the guns sounds.

Just as in my individual event, I explode off the wall and kick with all my might. Then, it's gravy. I'm at the flags before I know it, count, flip, and turn, and make my way back for Georgia. I'm pushing myself to the limits. I see the flags and push harder. I count my strokes and after number five, I kick with all my might. I touch the wall, and Georgia jumps over me into the water. I pull myself out and cheer her on. As she makes her way back to us, Tori steps on the block to prepare for her butterfly leg. I pull Georgia out of the water, and Sarah gets on the block. She's the final leg of the relay, and I know she will continue to increase the distance between us and every other lane. I am right. Brittany touches the wall, glances over her shoulder, and realizes we are half a lap ahead of the competition. She pulls herself up without help, and we cheer "Southern" then we take our index fingers, make a sizzle sound, and put it right on our butt cheek before making our way to our teammates. Again, the lacrosse guys go bananas. The stands are going nuts, and there is no doubt in my mind that Livestone doesn't stand a chance against us!

After the meet, I eat with Mama, Dad, Tessa, Piper, and Cash before my parents go home, and Cash and Piper stay for the night. We go to a little burger joint named Sally's. It looks like it was built to resemble a red barn. It is old and worn out, but we have come to realize this is the best food around. I eat a bacon cheeseburger that is close to the Burger Shack at home, but nothing will beat that place. We laugh. My parents ask how things are going. Piper is the same old Piper. Cash is the perfect gentleman, and Tessa can't wait to get back home to go out with Dustin. We finish eating and say our goodbyes, and Piper and I ride with Cash back to campus.

"Y'all, I can't wait for Hank's tonight. Y'all are going to love it!" I squeal.

Cash laughs as Piper starts to get as excited as me. What am I going to wear tonight? Hummm, it's getting cold, so definitely pants of some kind, but I need a cute top. Cash stops at the gas station to get a can of dip and some snacks before making the two-minute drive to campus.

"Hey, Char. While Cash ain't in here, where the hell am I staying tonight? I mean, I don't want to intrude on y'all."

"Piper, you can stay in there because you know as well as I do nothing is going to happen." She looks at me like, whatever.

About that time, Cash opens the truck door and climbs in. We make our way back to Kluft. I am exhausted and need a shower to recoup before Hank's tonight. As we reach the top step, I can hear Caroline, Tori, Georgia, Jenny, Anna, and Cassie in the hall. They are singing along to "Thrift Shop" blaring over the radio and dancing like fools in the hallway.

Cash glances at me, "Oh lawd, what have I gotten myself into?" I just shrug and pull him down the hall.

All the girls take their turn putting the moves on him, and of course, Anna has something to say. "Hey, Cowboy. I ain't ever rode a cowboy before."

With a wink, Cash answers back, "Sorry, Sweetheart, but I ain't a cowboy. I'm a homegrown country boy that only has eyes for one little lady," he responds as he stares into my blue eyes.

We make it to my room and open the door. Piper throws her bag onto the futon, and Cash puts his in the corner.

"Y'all, I gotta get a shower, but if y'all wanna drink tonight, make sure you place your order with Caroline. She's got the hook up." Piper jumps up and hollers at Caroline down the hall, Cash just stares at me.

"What?" I ask with my hands on my hips.

"You really think I'm drinking tonight when someone is out there watchin? I'm gonna be ready, and I will beat the shit outta him. I promise ya that!"

"Calm down. He's not gonna show tonight; he's too chicken to show his face. Let's just have fun."

"Speakin' of fun. Um, how much fun is it going to be if I have to share you with Joe?" Cash pouts. I walk over to him and give him a soft, quick peck on the lips before walking out of the room, shower caddy in hand, and giggling as I leave.

I finish my shower and make my way back to my room only to find it empty. Wonder where they went? Then, I hear Piper's voice in Georgia's room. I make my way over in my robe and my hair still in a towel.

"I almost thought y'all left! But then I thought better!" Cash isn't there which stumps me.

As if Piper and Georgia can read my mind, they answer in unison. "He went over to Joe's." I smile. I'm glad they met before today even if it wasn't under good circumstances. I send Cash a quick text and tell him to be back at Kluft no later than an hour from now. There is some major pre-partying going on tonight.

Piper and I we begin to get ready in my room. I pull out my jeans and hot pink top that crisscrosses and ties in the back. I add my boots, and I'm set. Piper looks at my outfit, and I know I've made the right choice. She has hoochie written all over hers, and I laugh.

"Piper, this is Hank's, not a fancy club. You might want to take it down a notch."

"Well, what do you suggest?" she inquires with her hand on her hips. I know this look, and I might as well have let her go with the outfit she brought.

"Never mind, Pipe. It's fine. I'm just saying this place is Hank's. It smells of must, mold, old men, and stale beer. It's not like a club in Charlotte or something."

"All right, but I'm still wearing this top." She points to the one-shouldered glittery top. I smile and grab a pair of jeans from the closet. She pairs it with wedge heels. We look at each other and smile. We turn on the iPod and place it on the speaker. We turn up a little Florida Georgia Line and break out in song. We slide into our clothes and then do our hair. We start our makeup, taking a little musical break to sing "Party People" with our hairbrush microphones. On the last verse, the door bursts open and Cash starts to sing. We jump out of our skin, turn around and see Cash and Joe. Joe is at a loss for words. I don't know if it's Piper, me, our beautiful rendition, or what, but that poor boy can't say a damn word.

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