Chapter 12 Part 4

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I enjoy the rest of the day relaxing before I decide that I need to start getting ready, and yes, I'm going to look damn good tonight, especially after that smart-ass comment from Cash. I take my iPod to the bathroom, turn on the radio and sing my heart out in the shower. As I'm drying my hair with the towel, I hear my phone chirp. I glance down and read the text from Piper.

Piper: Wanna grab a bite to eat at the Burger Shack before we go to the hall?

Me: Sure

Piper: C ya at 6

Me: K

Standing in front of my closet I can't decide what to wear. What to wear? What to wear? Most of my clothes are at school. I look through my bag, not much there. I grab my jeans and a long-sleeved brown shirt. Plain Jane! I've got to do better than this. Tessa! Still in my towel, I run to Tessa's closet. Bingo! There is a navy knitted gilet. Don't know how long she's had it, but the tag is still on it. That will go great with my shirt, and I have the accessories to match. I take it back to my room, toss it onto the bed, and go back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I take my time with my hair and makeup, a good twenty minutes to be exact, and then decide to get dressed.

I put on my jeans, shirt, and Tessa's knit cover, grab my deer skull brass necklace, wrap bracelet, earrings that look like a monkey's fist knot, and add my boots. I take one look into the mirror and tell myself that I look good. It does sound conceited I know, but sometimes ya gotta boost your self-esteem. I put my phone into my pocket, grab my license and some cash and go downstairs to wait for Piper.

Mama, Dad, and Tessa are eating supper. I take my normal seat and just enjoy a little family time before Piper gets here. Before long, Piper comes be bopping in looking like she's all decked out and ready to go somewhere a lot nicer than the pool hall.

"Pipe, it's the pool hall, remember? No need to get all fancy!"

"Shoot, Char. Who knows who we'll run into, and I gotta keep my eyes open."

Dad, Mama, and Tessa all look at each other. Some things never change, and Piper is one of them. They love her has much as I do, but sometimes my parents think she goes a little too far. They are used to simple.

"Girls, y'all have fun tonight. Be careful and call us if you need us." I look at my mama like, seriously?

"No need to worry, Cash's bringing me home tonight." The look on my dad's face says it all. He knows I'm going to make it home tonight, might not be the physical house, but I'll be at the farm. Piper and I make our way out of the kitchen and out the front door. We hop into her car and head to the Burger Shack.

When we pull in, the Shack is packed. There aren't many options for dining out in Grassy Pond and they have the best burgers you'll ever put in your mouth. I can't wait to have the "Shack Special." My mouth starts watering just talking about it. Hamburger, cheese, chili, mayo, pickles, and BACON, of course!

Piper and I walk in and the smell of grease hits us like a heat wave. The decor still looks like the 1960's, and Ms. Betty is still working along with Ms. Carolyn. They have worked here since I can remember. We look to our right and see Justin and a few others from high school. Justin waves for us to sit with them. I look at Piper, and she smiles as we walk over. I sit and listen to their stories, and hear about what's new, and the latest gossip around here. We order and relax while we wait.

Within minutes our orders are placed in front of us with a smile and warm wishes of us all being back in town. We thank Ms. Betty and dig in. Oh-my-gawsh! This burger is better than I remember. The ooey gooey mess is the best part. That's how you know it's good. I'm about halfway through my burger when the door opens to the Burger Shack. I almost choke on my burger right then. I look up to the sight of Dustin Sloan, Dylan's younger brother. I suddenly feel the need to vomit. Dustin looks our direction and smiles the exact perfect smile like Dylan's. He waves and walks toward our table. You have got to be kidding. Time to put on the big girl panties for sure!

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