Trouble again and Her 9

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Mum woke me up and told me to get ready for school. She didn't seem mad, just a bit irritated.


"Yes, Paul?"

I gave her a tight hug.

"I love you too Paul." Mum patted my back and smiled at me. She gave me a kiss and headed back downstairs. I hurried and got dressed then me and Mike both went on the bus to school. 

Ivan was sick today, and was alone that day. Hannah was out playing with girlfriends, George was some where, then again, we weren't really friends. I watched Hannah run away and giggle with her friends. 

'She is so Paul, she's just a girl, she's just  a friend...but i feel...i have a feeling for her...' These thoughts ran threw my head. I did love her, I had my first crush! I don't know what mum and dad would think, but i really hope she likes me. I wont tell anyone, this will just be my secret. Mine.

She and her friends came in and sat at the table. I watched her, one of the girls whispered something to her and they looked over and giggled. I shook my gaze off her and continued to eat. George sat down in front of me, i looked up and smiled. He didn't take notice and began to take his lunch out. 

Again, George wouldn't talk to me. I guess not a lot of people liked me. I was 'to fat', as i hear people say, i bet thats it, and i doubt Hannah likes me because of it. I removed my lunch and went outside, i felt bad about leaving George in there, but i wanted to be alone. 

Hannah came outside with her drink and began to walk the opposite direction. Then she turned around and came towards me, she smiled when she noticed me.

"Hey Paul, all alone?"

"Yeah, i like it though."


"Hey Hannah." A boy came up to her. He was short, but thin, thinner then me that is. 

"Hello. This is Paul."

"Yeah i've seen him. My names Dominic."

"Oh, hi." I said. The bell rang just then. We walked in, Ive never seen Dominic around before. I wondered what grade.

"Oh Paul, can you come to my party?" Hannah asked.

"Maybe, when is it?"

"THis Saturday."

"Ill ask."

"Thanks! Bring one of your friends, besides Ivan. I've already invited him." She giggled and she went to sit down. I took a seat in the back, next to George, who didn't look up from his hands, which were placed in his lap. I whispered his name, he didn't move. I then looked at his face. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be asleep. I looked up at the teacher, who didn't take notice thankfully. I woke George up, who then slapped me.

"What was that for?!" I asked, a bit to loud.

"Is everything okay back there?" The teacher asked, looking at me.

"Yes ma'am." I said. She continued on talking. George had his head on his hand and was drawing something. I tried to see what it was but couldn't quite see it. 

After school i went to the hall to wait for mum or Mike. Hannah was putting something away, and theta boy Dominic came over to her and helped her. They laughed and walked right by me and out the door, they were so engrossed in their conversation Hannah didn't even say hello. I watched them as Dominic jumped up and caught the branch, then swinging himself. Hannah smiled and watched him, then he climbed on the branch and helped her up. I felt like, like, i didn't know, but i had a hateful feeling towards this boy. I had never seen him till today, im guessing he was new and sick yesterday. They both got down and Hannah waved good bye, then Dominic came in. He didn't bother to look at me or anything. Yeah, maybe Hannah was like all the rest of them, pretend to like me, or she was just a friend and didn't want to be seen around the 'fat boy'. I leaned against the wall, i didn't want to go Saturday if he was there. 

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