Breakin' Up? 13

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I woke up at 8am on the 25 of February, a saturday. It was George's 13th birthday. I got dressed and went to call George and ask if he wanted to do anything.

"Did get a hold of them?" My mum asked when i walked into the kitchen.


"Their probably still asleep." She said and poured some tea for my dad. Then putting eggs on our plates, Mike came running downstairs.

"Don't run in the house." My dad said not even looking up from his paper.

"Yes sir." Mike said and sat down to eat.

"May i go over there?" I asked.

"Why don't you wait a little longer." She said and took a seat next to me. Dad put his paper down and talked with mum. I helped mum with the dishes and then went into the living room and sat down to play the piano.

"You know it would be a good thing if you would take lessons." Dad said

"Dad, i don't like the lessons. I prefer doing it like you, by ear."

"Alright." He took a puff out of his pipe and continued to work on a crossword in the paper.

I sighed and walked over to him. "Hows it goin'?" I asked looking at the crossword.

"Fine. I think."

"Dad, Mum im going over to Josephs!" Mike called from the front door.

"Alright, come home by 4." Mum said from the kitchen. Mike left.

"Whats that?" I asked pointing to a clue.

"Im not sure, its the last one across so im waiting." He scribbled something in some squares.

I sighed. 

"I have yesterdays paper if you want to do one." He said.

"No, its fine. Im watching you." I smiled, he smiled back. 

"Can you do this one?" He asked handing me the pencil. 

"I...uh, maybe." I read the clue and then the answer came to mind, this was an easy clue. "There!"

"Good, now lets go to the couch and we can both do this." He stood up and sat down, i sat down next to him. 

I began to correct him on his answers or spelling, which he forgot, and i knew he was doing this just to get a laugh. He is pretty smart.

"Oh are you still ticklish? I thought you said that past?" He said when he ended up poking my side with a pencil.

"No, im not ticklish." I shook my head.


I nodded then let out a laugh when he began to tickle me.

"Okay! Okay! So i am...plaese stop." I pleaded still laughing.

He stopped and smiled. "Are you going out today?"

I whipped my eyes. "Maybe. Maybe not. I might to see George. Oh that reminds me, im gonna try to call him again. See ya dad." I said and stood up.

There still wasn't a reply and so i went out to go see him.

"Be back by 4 Paul." Mum told me.

"Yes ma'am. Love you." I said and kissed her then left.

I got on my bike and biked over to George's neighbor hood. His house was in a colter sac and it was a small one, ours was small but theres was smaller. I went up to the door and knocked.

"Hello Paul, sorry but George isn't here." Louise said when she answered the door.

"What is he?"

"He came down with something and so mum took him to the doctors. She called and said he had...i think tonsillitis."

"Oh, im sorry, and on his birthday. Well when you see him can you tell him happy birthday! and that i hoope he gets better."

"Sure will. Sorry, Paul."

"Its fine." i smiled and waved good bye. 

I biked down to Hannah's and picked her up then we went to Mariah's and Ivans. Then we went to a field to go play or something.

 Time flew by fast, Ivan left us and so the girls and me were the only occupants.  I would have to leave soon as well.

"So what shall we do?" Hannah asked.

"i don't know, but its a bit cold."

"You cant be cold Paul!" She exclaimed.

"Cant i? Well i am!" I laughed.

"Hm, this'll warm you up!" Mariah shouted and then tagged me.

I stood up and ran after her and Hannah. We played tag until i had to leave, and so i walked the girls home. Hannah invited me inside for a bit and so i came in. Her mum was sitting down with her dad in the family room, whereas her brother was some where in the house. I was greeted with a smile and then we went up to Hannah's room.

"Paul, can i tell you something?"

"Anything." I smiled.

"Dom said that if im with you anymore he's gonna kill you. Not really kill you but badly hurt you. I don't think we should be around each other at school."

"What?! You got to be kidding!"

"No, im not. Course we can see each other after school, but not at school."


"Paul, you have to understand. I don't want my friend hurt. And vie see what Dom can do when he gets mad. And you are already at the top of his 'kill' list."

I frowned, at school i wanted to be with her. I didn't like Dom, i wanted to kill him myself. I told her that i better leave or else i would get grounded or something. When i got home mum said George had called me and asked me to call him back. I quickly did that.

"Are you better?" I asked.

"No im not, i wont be able to come over or go to school for a day. But ill be back on my feet soon."

"You sound terrible."

"Its hard to talk."

"Oh, then lets hang up and you rest that throat!" i said with a chuckled. I heard him laugh and he agreed. Then we said goodbye and hung up.

Well that was the last event of that day. The day had come to its end, and a new one would start the next morning.

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