Chapter 3: The Base

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They had been driving for too long. Much too long. Hadaris, as she usually was in cars, was passed out, snoring softly in her front seat. Minx, ever-ready, was wide awake, not even showing that she was tired at all. She sat wide-eyed and alert, almost the exact opposite of Hadaris. And Qui, well, she was exhausted. There was only about an hour left in the ride, but she had been driving the whole time and was close to passing out, even while she was driving. She had drank at least eight cups of coffee and she still had problems keeping her eyes open. Not that there was any danger of hitting someone, they were on a deserted road in the middle nowhere. There were just fields in either direction, and that was all. And when Qui, barely awake, saw what she was looking for, she nearly yelled out with happiness. But, she didn't, she just didn't have the energy to do so. Minx sensed the woman's mood change and said, "Are we about there?" Qui nodded quickly, using almost all of her energy in that action. "Yeah, I just need to park and we can get inside," She looked around the dark, moonlit fields with distaste. "And we can sleep. Finally." She groaned as she pulled the car up to a seemingly identical point to every other part of the fields, but to her, it was different. She stopped the car and put it in park with a heavy sigh. Qui looked around the area and groaned, out of tiredness mostly. She shook Hadaris awake, with many words of protest and curses, then got out of the car quickly, her legs almost buckling, for she hadn't used them in almost eight hours for anything other than the pedals. Hadaris got put of the car, slowly waking up as she did. Minx was a different story, she got out of the car silently and strode to the front, seemingly not tired at all. She looked to Qui with a questioning look. "Is this where you've been trying to take us" Qui nodded, just exhausted, and said, "Yeah. Just a second." She reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small metal shard, which seemed like an irregular shard, but really wasn't, as well as a flashlight. She shined the beam around the area, finding a small dirt hole in the ground, which, like the shard, seemed irregular, but upon closer inspection had the same irregularity as the metal shard grasped in Qui's hand. She walked over to it, and with a triumphant cry slammed the metal shard into the hole in the ground, which started a massive chain reaction. Hadaris and Minx, in all of their hatred of each other, couldn't help but watched in awe, side by side, as these events unfolded. A loud sound, the groaning of metal on metal, the grinding of gears and just general sounds of machinery could easily be heard for miles around as the ground seemed to open up, an entire mile of ground in front of the three women seeming to just crack in half as they watched, but in reality, there were two massive metal doors opening up to reveal an even more massive complex underneath them, and the area they saw was only part of it. The metal sounds, the screeching and wailing, stopped as the doors stopped moving, and Qui looked to Minx and Hadaris. The two were both speechless, and even Minx, who was almost never emotional, was gaping. Neither had ever seen anything like it, and their reactions seemed to make Qui happy, despite how tired she was. The area they saw down there was beautiful and simple, a hangar of sorts, several plans and helicopters, along with a plethora of land vehicles, were in that area. All underground, and lit by thousands of lights. Qui smirked and said, "You two done? Because we have a bit more to do, and I want to sleep. So I'll answer my own question: you're done. Let's go." Without another word she began to walk down a massive metal staircase, the two other women falling in step behind her. It took a little for the three to get to the bottom, but they did, eventually, and when they did they were greeted by a tall, scowling man in a suit. "Qui. You got them, thank god. But did you have to open the door this late?" His voice was deep and rumbly, sounding almost like the deep sounds of metal they had heard earlier. Qui spoke up, exhausted, "Yes. And can we just sleep? Please? Just get these to registered, check me in, and let us sleep." He relented, his eyes softening slightly. "Fine. Go. Take them to the rooms." Qui nodded and silently walked off, the two women still following her. The man they had seen walked over to the base of the staircase, and with a flick of a couple switches the metal grinding noise could be heard again as the doors closed. Qui, with Hadaris and Minx in tow, walked to a door that opened automatically as they walked up, and began to lead them toward their rooms. Greeting a few people along the way, she walked the two others to a small hallway with multiple doors, and the hall almost looked like a hotel. She pointed out several rooms and said, extremely tired, "You two each choose one of the rooms. I'm going to mine. The one you choose is the one you'll stay in for the rest of the time you're here. Goodnight." Qui walked off, but only one door down, and opened the door. She practically fell into the bed, passing out before she hit the pillow, leaving Hadaris and Minx behind. Hadaris made the first move, walking to the door directly to the left of Qui's. And Minx, the only one of them who seemed awake, walked to the room to the left of Qui's, and both of the women, with all of their differences, did the same thing: got into bed and slept.

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