Chapter 4: The Plan

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The first to wake was Hadaris, actually. Of course, she had gotten sleep on the car, more than the other two women. She didn't even know where she was going, but she just wandered out into the hangar they had entered the night before, her thoughts wandering. She had no idea where she was, why she was there, she had no knowledge whatsoever. And she was on the verge of a breakdown. Nothing was going well. Her thoughts were making her even more unstable, threatening to unbalance her, like everything seemed to be doing right then. She simply sat down, right in the middle of the hangar, right in front of a jet. Qui walked out of her room second, she had fallen asleep at almost 2 am. And when she got up, it was almost 1 pm. She found Hadaris easily, sitting down next to her with a grunt. "Hey. You alright? We need you in top condition for this job and-" Hadaris cut her off, "Don't ask. Just...let's get this over with. When are we going to find out why we're here?" Qui sighed, "The meeting will start whenever Minx gets up." The two fell silent, nothing else to say to each other. Minx got up out of bed, looking immaculate as ever. She walked over to the pair sitting on the ground, looking at them with a look of contempt. "When are we going to find out why we're here?" Qui, ever cheery, said, "Ten minutes. Now that you're up, I'll go inform my boss, he'll arrange everything." Minx nodded silently as Qui got up, walking off to another hallway off of the hangar. Minx glanced to Hadaris, who was still seated on the ground, and wrinkled her nose. She stalked off, back to her room, and sat back on the bed, waiting for Qui to return. After ten minutes Qui came back into the hangar and walking to Hadaris, who hadn't moved an inch. "Go through there," She pointed to the door she had entered through. "And take a left as soon as you walk through the door. Wall to the end of that hall and go into that room, take a seat, and wait." She stood there for a second, during which Hadaris don't move. After a solid minute, Hadaris stood slowly and walked silently away toward the door the woman had indicated. Meanwhile, Qui walked off to get Minx. She knocked on her door gently, and Minx didn't reply. She knocked again and Minx walked out silently. The cold-hearted woman stood right next to Qui and said, "Where to?" Qui sighed and, very unlike her, walked off silently, and Minx followed. The two walked to the room Qui had indicated to Hadaris earlier, and sat down at a large table. Hadaris was already seated in the dark room, her face barely illuminated by the several screens around the room. The three sat awkwardly in the room for almost half an hour before, fashionably late, as always, Qui's boss walked in. He walked to the front of the seat and glanced around the table with his small, beady eyes before speaking, "Hello to our new...recruits," He searched for the right word, not sure what to call them, as they had practically kidnapped them. "We're glad you decided to come with Qui here. Now, we'll get right down to it. We need you two for several reasons. We have new targets: three of the most powerful men in the underground New York crime industry. They do everything as a team, from smuggling to sex trafficking to...everything." Hadaris interrupted him, still a little confused. "Who are 'we'? And who are you? Where are we? And why did you need us? You seem to have enough people here." Qui's boss sighed and then continued in an annoyed tone, "This group is actually a government-sanctioned group for defense, DARK. That is 'we'. I am Burke, and that's all you will refer to me as," Burke coughed before continuing his speech. "You are a little bit outside of New York. And we needed you two because you are more experienced, more deadly, and have skills no one else in this compound have. Now, your targets are three brothers: Jed, Stephen, and Roman. Each of them is like the other, they're all strong, deadly, and skilled. We cannot give a location, unfortunately, because the three move so often and do not have a "home base" of sorts." Burke abruptly stopped speaking when a new arrival walked in, a man in casual wear but with a serious expression on his face. He sat down at the table after giving Burke a slight nod. Burke continued, gesturing to the new man. "You will track down these three men with the help of this agent: Agent B1A5, otherwise known as Bias. He is an expert tracker, and will be helping you. Anything else you need to know, you ask us. And I'm sorry, I cannot disclose anymore information to you, because that's all we know, and we need these men badly. You four will move out tomorrow. Weapons are in the armory, Bias will take you there to load up before you go. Any questions?" None of the woman raised their hands, all of them were eyeing the man, Bias, with curiosity. They had not been informed of a fourth person, but apparently they were working with another. He hadn't spoken yet, but he did in that moment, to break up the silence, "We'll get to work as soon as possible, boss," He smirked, his voice was sultry and deep, amazing to listen to. "Ladies? No need to stare so much. We'll be together enough over the next month. Now, if you don't need me, I'll be going." He stood up, fixing up his hair, before walking out of the meeting room, leaving Burke, Qui, Minx, and Hadaris in silence.

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