Not a little kid Chapter one

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Sam's P.O.V,

I opened an eye and wished I hadn't, there was no chance of getting back to sleep now. I sat up and stretched weekly, I was way too tired. I changed quickly into a tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. I grabbed my sneakers and left my room. S.H.E.I.L.D  agents moved busily talking to each other. They seemed awake for hours. How do they do it? It takes forever for me to completely wake up.

Then I saw the eye patch him self, he seemed in a hurry. There were no flashing lights so why walk so fast. Now that I mention it all agent went that way, well at least the few I saw. None walking the way I was. I'd probably be late for school but, since when did I care? Never! I turned right around and followed them. They all seemed to busy to notice me following them. I had never really noticed this room but, everyone seemed to go into it. 

The last agent entered and I ran to it but, it closed all to fast. I pushed on the door but, it didn't budge. Fury opened it with an angry look on his face. "Uh, hey fury!" I smiled. I tried to look inside but all I saw was a pitch black room. Nick closed the door behind him and stood in front of me. "Shouldn't you be at school in your first class." He crossed his arm. "Yeah I was just on my way." I turned and briskly walked down the hall. "Extra training for a week." he called at me. I put a thumbs up in the air and continued my way down the hall.

I entered midtown high and looked both ways so I could slip into class unnoticed. I saw it was clear and made my way down the hall. "Alexander, dentition for not being in class." principle coulson said. I froze, what the hell was this guy magic or something? No way was he there before. I turned, nodded and hurried to class.

I knocked and Ava opened it, "your late." She hissed.
"No duh!" I smirked. 

I walked to my seat. Ava shut the door and sat down too. "Glad to see you decided to join us Alexsander." The teacher stopped the lesson. I smiled "yeah you know I wasn't sure at first but here I am!" The teacher gave me the 'shut up look and let me continue the lesson or I'll start a lecture on how I shouldn't stop my lesson because of one person even though I stopped the lesson to make the student feel embarrassed in front of there peers.' 

God I hated that look. He started again on the lesson of snooze Ville 101. Dis teachers ever decided that we should make everything sound boring so we make our students fall asleep and then we can fail them? Cause there should have been a vote. I felt as tired as I did earlier. The only thing that woke me was the bell ringing and webhead lifting my head. I smacked his hand away. "Personal space thank you!" I got up and left the class room. 

>>Time skip<<

The day had been long and I easily borrowed notes from Peter without his knowledge of it. He's to easy sometimes. When I returned to the helicarrier all I could think of was that room that was all dark inside. Guessing the agents would be busy now so I could find my way in. 

Once outside the door I tried pushing on it again. It actually opened this time. I only saw darkness the only light was from out side. I put my helmet on and knew my suit had came on. I closed the door and turned back around. I made a small blue flame with my hand so I could see in front of me. I found a wall and to my surprise a girl. She had wavy blonde hair and she seemed unconscious. She was cuffed to the wall and I wondered what threat she was.

Fury appeared behind me and lights fluttered on. "She may look innocent but trust me she's far from it." He said. "You sure?" I asked looking at her better with the lights on. She was really pretty. She had long wavy blonde hair had her face looked flawless. She was about my height as well, in other words she was beauti-wait no way did I like her. "Well if you'd like to meet her then I suggest we keep her cuffed." Fury said. I nodded without thinking. "Wake her up!" He called and he told me to hold my breath. As I did a scary looking gas came out and swarmed around the girl. I reached out thinking it would hurt her but Fury held me back. The gas disappeared. A minute later she opened her eyes and gasped for air. Her eyes were a crazy beautiful blue. She blinked a few times really fast.

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