Chapter 4

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Silver's POV

I stood there until she left. I still can't believe that after two years, I got to see her again. Why didn't I stop her from leaving again, dammit! After two years of missing her, and wanting her back, she just walks out on me and tells me to forget about helping her. And yes, I did say that I wanted her back, alright? I just...I don't know. I fell for her. I loved her. And when she told me, I was so shocked...

"S-Silver...I know you said that you hate me, and I will probably regret saying this but..." She paused. I impatiently waited for what she was going to say. I couldn't tell what her expression was, but I could clearly hear the nervousness in her voice. 

"...I love you." She finally said. "I just wanted to say it incase if I never had another chance to say it..." 

I could feel my face getting red, and, even though my sight was useless, my eyes widened. I was surprised. Umber actually loved me back? I wanted to tell her I loved her too, but I never got to. I never got to forgive her. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't...

And I could have told her now, but...I have Lyra now. I moved on... I can't just say, 'Oh, Umber, I love you too by the way.' 

I sighed. I should forget this happened. I walked out of the PWT, looking for my friends outside. I didn't really want to see them right now, but knowing them, they'd force me anyways. 

"Hey, Sil, where's Umber?" Gold asked, once I caught up with them. 

"She left." I replied. 

"She left? She LEFT? We haven't seen her for two years and you just let her leave?" He said. 

I just shrugged. "She didn't want to be here, so why force her?"

"Admit it Silver, you wanted her to stay."

"No, I don't." I growled, looking away. 

"Uh-huh. Sure..." Gold said. "Weren't you the most heartbroken one when we found out she was gone?"

"Where's Umber?" I demanded to know. I was being seated in the Pokemon Center, probably to get treatment for my eyes. 

"You can't see her right now, literally and figuratively. You need to be treated." I heard Gold say. 

"I want to know if she's ok!"

"She'll be just fine. Don't worry about her. She was living and breathing when we got here, and she'll walk out of this center like that too."


"No buts, Silver." The breeder said, trying to sound mature, but ended up laughing anyways. "No buts for Silver!"

"Shut up."

"You aren't the boss of me."

"Just leave so I can get treated..." I groaned, laying back so they can do whatever the hell they needed to do.

"Fine, fine." I heard his footsteps as he left, and the door being gently shut behind him.


"You can open your eyes now." I heard a cheerful voice say. I did as told, and was surprised at the sudden light. I could see again. But when I opened them all the way, everything was blurry. Like I was looking underwater. 

"How do you feel?" The nurse asked. "You can see, correct?"

"I can see, but everything is that gonna go away after a while or...?"

Why Do I Love You? {Sequel to IHEAY}Where stories live. Discover now