Chapter 3: Dickson the Demon Teacher (RW)

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The sound of whispers flooded my ears the second I got out of my car

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The sound of whispers flooded my ears the second I got out of my car.

"I thought she was mute?" I rolled my eyes, already knowing that I'd have a sarcastic remark for whatever gossip was going around.

"Someone sent me a video of her speaking." Oh Goodie! I'm sure vloggers don't videotape themselves speaking all the time.

"Me too." Wow, you witnessed a human being put her vocal cords to use. How very interesting. I mean, it's totally not something you do on a daily basis, right?

"Why doesn't she talk?" Why would anyone want to waste their time talking to a gossiper. Sorry, but I like my privacy to remain intact, thanks very much.

"I heard she only spoke to impress 'the three'," I rolled my eyes. I didn't even know 'the three' and quite frankly I had no interest to. 'The three' could shove a stick up their-

"They are hot, though." -for all I care.

On a normal day, as I'd walk into school I would notice a few stares and whispers. It'd only be from a small amount of kids; after the first week, most kids stopped caring in the beginning of the school day as they had to get to class on time, or it was the only time they'd see their friends before lunch and they wouldn't want to waste it. In class however, it was a different story.

Today, it felt like most students decided that it was the perfect day to stare and gossip about the 'mute who spoke'. It annoyed the crap out of me. I couldn't stand being stared at for too long. It made me feel vulnerable.

Imagine something I should've been worried about, looked at me. It's gaze would blend in with the kids' and I wouldn't be able to feel it.

I shook my head at the thought. It was absurd. I should watch less horror movies. Then again, something happened this morning that I couldn't exactly explain yet. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down my spine and I felt my body tense up.

Every step I took forward was forced. I didn't let my eyes wander from the school doors. From the corner of my eyes I noticed the three boys from yesterday watching me.

Honestly, I had no clue how I distinguished them from everyone considering I wasn't looking directly at them but my gut told me it was the three. There was something off about the three boys, but I didn't care to find out.

Their stares stood out from the other kids. They were much more intense and I felt like I was on fire. I felt a mild discomfort before, but now I couldn't shake off the weird tingly heat prickling my back and side no matter how hard I tried. I stopped walking.

"Stop looking at me, goddammit." I mumbled under my breath. As if they somehow heard what I said the intensity of the stares simmered down a bit. I let out a small breath of relief but turned my head. Olive-eyes seemed to be looking right at me. I bit down a yelp of surprise and quickly looked away.

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