Chapter 3

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Katie stares at me as if she's about to rip my head off which she most likely will. I take a few steps back as she takes a few steps towards me. Grunting and growling, she jumps on my back, causing me to drop my bow. I quickly put my hands around her head trying to keep her from biting me. Good thing I have good reflex right? I push her off and quickly pick up the bow and load it with an arrow. I hate to kill a 7 year old child but I have no choice now I guess.

I pull back the arrow aiming for her head as she gets ready to attack again. By the time she takes off I let go of the arrow and it strikes right through her head. She falls to the ground. I take my glove out of the backpack and put it on. I hold out my hand as the arrow pulls out of her forehead and lands in my hand. Staring at Katie, I start to cry.

"I'm so sorry Katie." I whisper, taking the cross off my neck and setting it in her hands.

By the time that little incident was done it was starting to get dark. I figured I would crash out at a gas station or something. Casey's was a few blocks away so I decided I would crash there.

When I get to Casey's I take out my bow and slowly open the door. I enter, looking through the aisles making sure there wasn't zombies anywhere. Clear.

I set my bow down and sit on the dirty floor. I heard footsteps coming from the bathroom which caused me to jump. I grab my bow and point through the dark hallway. Not knowing what was there I let go of the arrow, receiving screams in response.

"Ahh mother fucker!" An unfamiliar face cried. The boy came out of the darkness, I noticed I shot him in the leg. Oops.

"Niall keep it down!" Another unfamiliar voice said.

"What was that for you crazy bitch!" Niall whines, holding his leg in pain.

"I'm so sorry! You just scared the crap out of me and I just shot!" I said, coming close to him.

"Never mind just take it out! Oh my god on my bad leg too!" He yells. I felt bad. I seriously just shot one of my idols, Niall Horan.

I take a deep breath and hold out my hand and the arrow successfully comes back to me. Niall cries even harder and falls to the ground and crawls in a ball.

"I'm sorry.. Again." I repeated.

"Don't worry about it. If it were me I'd do the same." He says, causing me to smile a bit.

"I'm Niall-"

"I know who you are. Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn you can come out now!" I screamed, and out they came.

"Hello!" They all said in unison.

I politely wave. Normally I would be screaming and jumping up and down and grab Harry's crotch but this isn't the time for that now.

"I'm Hayley." I introduced myself.

They each shook my hand as a 'it's very nice to meet you' shake. Oh my god they touched me I'm so done. They gave me a weird look which I finally realized my cheeks were redder than ever.

"You alright there Hayley?" Liam asked. God let me get you in bed and-

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Well, where are you headed?" Zayn asks.

"To New York City. There is a shelter there with food and water and beds for survivors." I reply.

"Great! We are too. Hey uh, you don't mind if we tag along do you?"

I stopped to think of what mum and dad told me. Do NOT trust anyone. Eh what the hell. It's One Direction for Christ sake!

"Umm yeah. Can you guys stand in a line real quick?" I ask, taking the watch out of my backpack and putting it on my wrist.

"Umm okay?" Zayn replied. They each stood in a line facing me.

I run the watch and scan their bodies up and down.

Zayn: clean.

Niall: clean.

Louis: clean.

Harry: clean.

Liam: clean.

"You can tag along I guess." I muttered. The boys come running to me and gave me a tight bear hug causing my heart to pound rapidly oh my god what is air.

They let go and gave me a wide smile. Their beautiful..... White.... teeth showing oh my god what am I saying.

"We can't go anywhere with Niall's leg injured like that. And there is no first aid supply in a gas station." I say, frowning.

"There is a store right behind here that has all kinds of knee braces and bandages." Harry says. 

"You can't go out there. Not alone anyways." I reply.

"I'll be fine."

"I'm coming with you." I say, grabbing my bow and an arrow. "Trust me, they come out unexpectedly. I already had to kill a 7 year old."

They all stare at me with a scared expression on their face.

"She was infected. I wouldn't just kill an innocent girl for no reason! She tried to eat my face off!" I explained.

"Enough chit chat you two! Go get the shit already!" Niall moaned, his face was turning pale from all the blood he has lost.

I walk out of the store with Harry behind me. 

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