Sick (SG)

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You groaned as you sat up slightly, moving your mouth into your elbow as you coughed, feeling pain in your throat from the action. It was late at night, and you had been feeling terrible all day.

You woke up, after Yoongi had left, feeling like absolute crap. Your stomach was in pain, you felt dizzy and hot, your nose was runny and your throat hurt. You had no idea what was wrong with you, but you're pretty sure you have a combination of a couple of things. You barely had the energy to do much, but you wanted to at least take a slightly cold shower to see if that could calm down your hot body.

You had messaged Yoongi after your shower about how terrible you were feeling, saying that you caught a bad case of the flu or cold and strep throat at the same time. Yeah, that was probably it. With all of the symptoms, you weren't quite sure what else it could be.

He had messaged you in response saying that he would try to get back to you as early as possible today, and while you were definitely hoping he would, you actually found yourself doubting it.

You loved Yoongi. You really did. But that boy did not know how to take a break from work if his life depended on it. You knew that you meant a lot to him, and that was all you really needed to know, but him showing it was a completely different story.

He would spend time with you, of course. He would sometimes take you out to dinner if you begged him enough for it. But most of the time you were visiting him at his studio (as he worked) or in the dorms when you were allowed to. Besides that, you usually spent very early mornings or very late nights together at your apartment.

You wanted to believe that he would actually come home before his usual time and come to take care of you, but you reminded yourself to not get your hopes up about this.

Besides sending him several messages throughout the day to give him updates on how you were currently feeling, all you were able to do was lay down and watch whatever was on the television; not even having enough energy to change the channel.

You had barely eaten anything, and your stomach was rumbling as if it hadn't received food in a whole week. The most you ate were a pack of saltine crackers. You wanted to eat more so that way it wouldn't cause your body to have a bad reaction if you were to start eating a lot again, but it just seemed impossible. Your body was weak and would most likely reject anything you tried to put into it. You figured that the best thing you could do was sleep and watch television.

So here you lay, still on the couch hours later after you had just coughed for a good three minutes and after taking a good amount of naps throughout the day.

You were just about ready to try and turn off the T.V. and sleep on the couch when you heard the front door open. It was only 9:53, you saw, but there was your boyfriend, Yoongi, walking through the door at an earlier time than usual. Most nights he wouldn't return till past 11:00, so you were surprised to see his face.

He seemed to be in a rush, quickly putting down a brown paper bag along with his own and placing his coat on the coat rack. He picked up the brown paper bag, taking out what seemed to be a plastic container of soup and a plastic fork.

Yoongi walked over to you and kneeled down, a worried expression on his face. You sat up a slightly, looking at him with a perplexed expression.

"Hey," he said quietly, "how've you been feeling?"

You shook your head in response to his question, your throat not allowing you to do much with your voice.

His frown grew larger at this, and he placed the back of his hand on your forehead to check how warm you were. He sighed, pulling it away and standing up. You sat up and moved your legs to rest against your chest as he sat beside you. He lifted up the soup.

"I brought home soup for you. I mean, I didn't cook it, of course, since I'm not exactly an expert, but I wanted to bring home something. And I left work early, too, as you can probably tell, since I wanted to take care of you." He placed the fork on the coffee table, opening up the container carefully. "It's just plain chicken noodle, but that's the best for when you're sick, right?" His voice actually sounded unsure, and you smiled a bit.

You found it incredibly endearing how he cared enough about you and your health to leave his job with the permission of his managers. Usually he would work himself to the bone, barely even making time to see you because he wanted to perfect everything. But it was nice that he was here, home, with you. You just wish it wasn't because you were sick, but you wouldn't say that to him. Not like you could anyways.

He put the container cover on the table face up, grabbing the fork with the same hand as he placed it into the soup. He looked at you, seeming to be in thought before he huffed and a light pink went up to his cheeks.

"I guess I have to feed you, don't I?" Your grin widened, and that seemed to be all the response he needed before lifting up the fork, which now contained a couple of noodles and a piece of chicken, and moving it towards your mouth. "Open up, Jagi," he said, affectionately, but slightly annoyed. However, he couldn't hide the tiny smile that came upon his face when you did what he said.

Yes, you wish Yoongi could spend more time with you without you having to be sick, but this was still a time with him that you would completely enjoy and definitely tease him about later on.

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