Blind Date (RM)

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Hello! Just letting everyone know that I have a tumblr:

which I am more active on and it has more of my fics and most of them are completed. So, please follow me there!

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Prompt: Your heroine is sitting alone at a trendy bar, waiting for their blind date to show up; someone they only exchanged DMs with online. They are a little jaded as these dates usually turn out to be frogs rather than princes. Someone who vaguely resembles the blurry picture from their date's profile picture taps them on the shoulder–they almost faint up front when they see him.


It was late Thursday night, around eleven, you thought, and you were in the midst of waiting for your date to show up. You decided to dress nicely, being that the place was at a bar, but a casual sort of nice. You wore a red skirt with a belt on it, a white tank top tucked into the skirt and a grey cardigan over it. You completed the look with black mid heels to match the belt. It wasn't your best choice, but you needed to pick something rather than stress out for another couple of hours over what you should wear.

You looked around the bar, taking a sip of your drink as you did so. It had been a long two weeks of talking with yet another man over the dating app you had. One of those blind dating ones with blurred images of the other person. You had done this more than you would like to admit, but each guy seemed too great to pass.

That is, until you met them in person.

The dates always turned out to be frogs rather than princes, which led to you trying to end the date as quickly as possible. You were crossing your fingers that this guy wouldn't be another flop, as you had intriguing conversations with the man. He was intelligent and (sometimes annoyingly) philosophical; two traits the other guys you've been with seemed to lack. He was great at keeping conversation and never failed to reply with witty comments or educating you on a topic that was completely foreign to you. It was refreshing. Even still, though, your expectations weren't that high.

It was about five, maybe six more minutes of you drinking and dwelling in your own thoughts (two things that did not mix, actually) before you felt someone tap you on your shoulder.

"Please be like you are on the app," you thought.

You turned around, and surprisingly enough, this guy actually seemed to vaguely resemble his blurry profile picture.

It took everything in you not to faint in your seat.

Your mouth was slightly open and your eyes a little wide. Could it be? Was this guy legit? You closed your mouth, smiling at him.

"Uh, hello. I assume you are Namjoon?" Wow, you sounded ridiculously shy. Then again, the guy was drop dead gorgeous, how could you not be nervous?

He actually seemed amused at your bashfulness, nodding and taking a seat.

"Yeah, hey. You must be Y/N, then." You nodded, not trusting your voice at the current moment. "It's nice to meet you. In person, at least," he added with a chuckle.

You weren't really sure what to say, so you laughed half-genuinely. You were still a little on edge because of how unexpected this was. "Uh, yeah, it's nice to meet you, too," you replied quietly.

Namjoon gave you a friendly smile before motioning for the bartender to come over so he could order a drink.

A million thoughts were running through your head. How handsome he was, how polite, how cool and collected he seemed, and, of course, that caramel voice he had. It was utterly delightful.

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