A Day Off (SG)

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Hello! Just letting everyone know that I have a tumblr:


which I am more active on and it has more of my fics and most of them are completed. So, please follow me there!

Thank you,



You slowly opened your eyes to your sunlit bedroom, the small rays coming through the window in shades of orange, yellow and white, splaying against your purple walls. Through your window, you could see that the sun was in the midst of its rise, so the sky was a pale blue with gray, pink, and purple clouds which meshed against one another. The light from the sun shone yellow and orange, scattering onto the clouds and creating quite the scenery. It was a pretty sight to wake up to.

But, you felt a lack of warmth on your backside, and all thoughts of joy from the sky had spiraled into feelings of sadness. Of course, Yoongi was out working again today. He always left early, before you woke up, and you rarely ever got to say goodbye to him. You just wished that for once he could have the day off and spend it with you.

You took the blanket off of you with a sigh, rubbing at your eyes as you climbed out of bed. As you did so, you heard sizzling from a pan. You thought it was just your mind playing with you, so you shook your head a bit to try and get the sound away. But when it kept ringing in your ears and you heard the light clink of a plate as it hit the counter, your eyes went wide.

You hurriedly walked out of your bedroom and into the mini kitchen area, finding your boyfriend cooking up breakfast. He looked up at you and smiled, putting down the spatula he held to go over and hug you. "Good morning, sweetheart," he said lovingly, bringing you into a gentle embrace. You hummed against his chest, easily wrapping your arms around his back.

All too soon, he pulled away and returned to the food, muttering about not wanting it to burn. You smiled at the sight of him flipping over a pancake, since it was unusual. Typically you did all of the cooking around the house, and it's not like you minded. It just definitely warmed your heart to see him do this because it was such a rare sight. You hummed as you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his stomach and nuzzling his back.

"Are you off from work today?" You asked quietly. You were unsure if he could hear you over the sizzling, but his reply was almost immediate, washing away your uncertainty.

"Yes. We finally had the day off, so I decided I might as well make it special. It's not every day that I get to see you," he answered in a low tone, taking the finished pancake off of the pan and placing it onto a plate. He poured more of the pancake batter into the pan with a single hand, his other one on top of one of yours, rubbing it softly with his thumb. The two of you stayed this way as until he finished cooking.

When all was done (eggs, sausages, and pancakes), you reluctantly pulled away from him so he could place the dirty pan, bowls, spatulas and other items into the sink to be washed later. He turned to you, opening his arms and saying, "Come here, my love."

You did so without complaint, happily resting in his hold again. He pressed butterfly kisses on your hair, one of his hands going up and down your back in a slow, sweet motion. Because he did this, you knew he was just as relieved as you were that he could finally have the day off and be able to spend it with you. You were often telling him about how you longed to be in his arms, cuddling on the couch as you watched a movie. The feelings were reciprocated, and it never failed to make your heart ache from joy. While there were times that he could be a little argumentative or apathetic, you knew that it was work and stress that made him that way. At the end of the day, he did always love coming home to you. You knew this because he made sure of it, the words constantly pouring from his mouth when he returned night after night.

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