The Defenders

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"Can someone tell me...Why in the flying fuck... Are OUR COMS OFFLINE!!" Scourge stomped in the control room, angry. "There was a shockwave sir. When it detonated, it took down our coms." A soldier said. Scourge instantly shot him in the head.

"Anyone else got any bad news?" He asked, angrily. Then, the giant screen in the front of the room went blank. It then shifted, to a live feed video, of Silver the hedgehog. "Miss me?" He spoke with a smile. The look on Scourge's face spoke all the anger he felt.

"Aw, don't be so disappointed Scrooge." He mocked Scourge's name. "Is this it..? Is this your plan? To waste my time with your talk, while you and your shitty little teammates are probably on the way here?" He instantly guessed.

"Oh cmon greeny... We can't be THAT smart." Silver mocked him. Scourge crushed the radio in his other hand, with pure anger. "That's a nasty bruise above your eye... Next time I'll make it go all the way through." He gritted his teeth.

"We'll see. Keep the door unlocked." Silver grinned, then ended the transmission. Scourge continued to stare at the screen with rage, even after the transmission was cut. "SOMEONE TRACE THAT DAMN SIGNAL!!" He screamed in anger, and threw the broken radio at the wall.

Then, he saw Fiona rush in as well. "What's happening! All of our signals got scrambled!" She said quickly. "That damn futuristic nerd. Come with me." He said angrily, and he stormed out of the room with her following behind.

They then slammed the door against the wall, of the room Nicole was in. Anger spread against his face, as he stomped towards her. "N-no! Please no m-more!" She begged, as she closed her eyes tightly. Expecting a punch, she waited for him to reach her.

But, she only jumped at the feeling of Scourge clenching the arms of the chair. "How'd you do it." He said in a calm voice, but still clearly angry. She slept opened her eyes, to see him staring at her. "HOW'D YOU DO IT!!" He the screamed in her face.

"I haven't done anything since you locked me away asshole." She stood up to him. He automatically backhanded her, making her spit out the blood that was already in her mouth. "I'm not playing any games, bitch. Now tell me, HOW DID YOU CONTACT THEM!!" He screamed again.

"How? Your coms and mine alike are jammed." She said with a smartass grin. He then kicked her in the chest, back to the floor. "I swear to god if you don't tell me what I want.." He stopped, and smaller her again. "Scourge, I think that's enough." Fiona said, starting to feel bad for Nicole.

He just ignores her, and picked up the taser baton. He turned the dial up all the way to danger, and pointed it at her. He then put it between her legs. "You may not be a male AI... But this is still gonna hurt like hell." He smiled evilly, but still full of rage.



An explosion blew the wall on Scourge's right, throwing him and Fiona down hard. Nicole was thrown against the wall, but it the blow impacted on the chair, breaking her free of it. She laid on the floor, still too weak to move.

She looked passed all the smoke and ash in the air, and tried using her zooming optics to identify the cause of the explosion. Her vision sparked and malfunctioned, due to her being beat to hell.

"Nicole!!" She then heard a faint scream, with her ears still ringing. But it was coming from the hallway, not the gaping hole in the wall. Then, she saw the silhouette of a figure run towards her. "P-please... Stay awa-ay.." She tried to say, afraid of it being another goon.

Then she felt that person easily bring her up to her knees, and hold her by her back. She finally then faintly recognized the person, as Sally. She then threw her arms around Nicole, and hugged her tightly. "Nicole.." She sobbed, and held her tight.

"Sonic!... I found her." She said happily into the mic on her headset. "Roger that, Sal. Pulling the shuttle back around." He responded back. She and Nicole looked at each other painfully. "What did that bastard do to you.." She cried, and wiped some of the blood off of Nicole's cheek.

She then took her black stealth jacket off, and put it around Nicole, to cover her nearly nude torso. "Cmon. We need to get you out of here." She held her and looked around. "Going somewhere?" They then heard Scourge's voice.

They turned around, and saw him holding a pistol pointed at them. His glasses laid broken on the ground, with a giant hole torn in the left shoulder of his jacket. Sally quickly jumped in front of Nicole, ready to defend against Sonic's evil counterpart.

"What's the matter, Scourge? You seem scared. Always hiding behind that pistol." Sally grinned. "Jeez, and I thought those other two hedgehogs had the big mouthes." He rolled his eyes, still holding the gun up. "Pff. You aren't a man. Just a pathetic piec- AHHH!" She stopped and yelled, as she felt a bullet go through her trap.

"And that... Is why I use a gun." He grinned, and watched her fall down holding her shoulder. "SALLY!!" Nicole yelled, and limped towards her. "So I'm guessing you're next.." He laughed, and aimed it back at her. But the second he pulled the trigger, an arm came out from behind him, and pulled his arm down. The bullet flew outside the gaping hole, getting Scourge punched in the face.

He fell to the ground, and looked behind him. He then saw Silver floating in the air, in his new armored suit. "Heh heh... You fucking nerd.. Still at it with the new technology.." He laughed, and wiped the blood off his cheek.

Silver punched him in the face again, as he came to the ground. "Sally!" He then said in worry, and hovered over to them. "Are you alright?! What happened?!" He asked in fear. "I'm fine. I'm fine!" She said wth sass and held her shoulder. "Get Nicole out of here, while I deal with greeny- he was then cut off, by being tackled through the large hole in the wall.

"We have to help him!" Nicole said, still weak. "No. The only way Sonic agreed on me coming along is to retrieve you. And there was no way I was missing out." She explained, with Nicole helping her back up.

"Sally! He's going to kill Silver! He almost did the first time!" She pleaded. "Trust me.. Silver knows what he's doing. Now cmon!" She yelled, pulling her back through the hallway.

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