Return of The Angel

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Silver and Scourge both tumbled down the snow covered hill, rolling with the speed increasing every foot it declined. As Silver rolled down it, he rolled back first, while throwing a swing at Scourge. As it made contact with him, Scourge kicked him in the helmet, throwing him further down the hill and trees.

He reached the bottom, where a light forest was. There weren't too many trees, but enough to run into. Silver fell face first in the fresh snow, with Scourge not far behind. "You won't walk away this time, Silver." Scourge grinned, as he stood up from the snow. He slung two knives out of his pocket, swinging them into his hands from the loops at the bottoms.

He dashed at Silver, but he levitated out of the way, and dashed to the side. "Staying off that leg... Smart." Scourge laughed. He tried to strike him again, but it went over his head as he ducked down. He then uppercut Scourge in the jaw.

Scourge took the blow, and pivoted on his left foot, and swung back at him. He punched him in the stomach, then roundhouse kicked him into a tree. He then threw his knife at Silver, barely missing him as he dodged. He rolled out of the way, and went back in the air.

From there, he fired multiple rounds from the rifle he had strapped on his back. Scourge evaded all of them, and fired his pistol back at him. When Silver's rifle ran out of ammunition, he pressed a red button on the side of his belt. Two holographic blades slung out of his wrists, as he threw the gun down.

He based the blades off the design of the ones Sally used to wear on her wrist. He flew straight down at Scourge, about the cut him in too. "Impressive. You really outdid yourself this time." Scourge grinned jokingly, and dodged the slice.

The, he felt the other one burn deep into his arm. He screamed in pain and anger, then grabbed Silver's wrist. From there, he crushed the wrist gauntlet he had on, in the palm of his hand. He then slung Silver over his shoulder.

He then walked in the snow, and kicked Silver in the head, kicking his helmet off. From there he tried putting his knife in Silver's head, but missed when Silver kicked him in the temple of his forehead. He rolled back to his feet, while Silver flew back in the air, about 4 feet above the ground.

Silver heard a rumbling sound, and looked behind Scourge. Armed men and tanks followed closely behind. "Your move.." Scourge smiled, determined.

"Question, ever seen Age of Ultron?" He then asked Scourge. Scourge looked at him strangely at the odd question. Then as Silver was in the air, the helmet flew back on his head, with him the whistling.

There was a loud sound, like rushing water. Then Scourge saw several object from the sky flying towards Silver. They stopped right at him, as the several pieces of metal began building themselves around his body. He became thicker, no longer being his suit. It was now a functional robotic battle suit, 10 feet tall.

"You've got to be kidding me.." Scourge rolled his eyes. He then pointed at him, signaling his men to fire at the giant mecha suit. The men with rifles starting firing at the mechanical beast, with the bullets doing little to no damage.

Then, Silver saw the tanks mobilize, by scanning them in his armored suit. He saw one fire it's missile, immediately avoiding it, and shooting a small missile back at it. It went through the barrel of the tank, blowing the whole thing up.

But, he couldn't dodge the blow from the second tank. It hit the knee of the suit, which was lower to the ground then the bottom of Silver's boot. He instantly fell to one knee. "Damn it!" Silver cursed himself, as bullets still rained upon him.

Scourge joined the gun show, by reaching in one of the jeeps that pulled up. He then pulled out, an RPG. "Oh shit." Silver said blankly. Scourge pulled the trigger, with the massive rocket flying out the barrel. Silver quickly moved the large robotic arm in front of his helmet.

It impacted on the metal forearm, throwing him 15 feet back. Silver's eyes tightened as he hit the ground hard. "Arghh..." Silver moaned in pain, and looked at his right robotic arm. It was completely blown off, with his actual arm lying numb beside him. "YAHTZEE!!" Scourge cheered, knowing he got a good hit in.

"Hold your fire!" He commanded his troops. He then happily skipped over to the cyborg suit, and leaned in front of his visor. "How's it hangin' gray boy?" He laughed, as he knocked on the visor. He then reached under the head piece, and ripped it clean off its snaps, showing Silver's actual helmet, all busted up.

"So here we are again." Scourge smiled, then flipped up another knife. He grabbed Silver's helmet, and threw it off. "I won't repeat the same mistake." He smiled then brought the knife up. When he brought it down, he didn't know about Silver's contingency plan.

Silver pressed a button on his control grid, which blew apart all the detachable armor pieces, throwing Scourge off of him. Silver quickly took off back into the air, and fired his wrist gauntlet and the men and Scourge.

Scourge got back to his feet, and launched himself at Silver, grabbing his hurt leg. "I've had it with your flying! Let's fix that problem!" He grinned, then stabbed Silver in his trap muscle. "AHH!!" Silver screamed being taken to the ground.

He fell down, with Scourge still on him. "You honestly think any suit or machine you make, can stop me?... You've gone soft Silver. You're nothing but a joke. Pathetic." He smiled. "It was j-just a distraction you turd blossom." Silver smiled through the pain. "What?!" Scourge said in shock.

And out of nowhere, he heard screaming behind him. He turned around, and watched all of his men get mowed down by the Defenders jet. He watched in horror as all of his backup was annihilated.

"WHAT THE FU-  He was then cut off, by something smashing him in the face. His face dragged in the snow, now boiling his blood. He propped himself back up with his hands, now revealing his bloody mouth, with his sunglasses falling off his face, broken. His eyes then widened, as he looked ahead.

"How ya been, green bean." Sonic then smirked, as he stood in front of Scourge.

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