Chapter 3: Ohio-Bound

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"People don't take trips, trips take people." ~John Steinbeck


"I'm Della, by the way," the girl said, sticking out a small, slender hand, "Della Rae."

"Jason Lovett," I grunted in reply, awkwardly taking her hand.

We were sitting in a booth at Denny's, waiting for our food to arrive. I had wanted to leave immediately after agreeing to accept her help, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. The purple parakeet wanted to have lunch before we left, and seemed in no hurry to get going, so I had to follow suit.

"So, Jason," she said, letting my name roll around on her tongue, "why are you going to Los Angles anyway?" Her hands were steepled under her chin and her eyes were wide, as if our conversation was the most interesting thing she'd ever heard.

"To see family, remember?" I sighed. She was wearing me out with the questions. It felt more like a cross-examination than a lunchtime chat.

"Yeah, but there has to be something else," she stated, penetrating me with her unusually large gray eyes, "You don't strike me as a huge 'family-person'."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"N-nothing bad," she looked like she wanted to take her words back for once, "But you just don't seem like the sort of person who would want to hitchhike across America to get to a family reunion or whatever."

"I wasn't hitchhiking until this afternoon," I corrected, "And I don't particularly want to be traveling at all. My brother thinks he might have found a...job opportunity for me."

She raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

If she thinks I'm going to offer up any more information about my personal life, she has another thing coming. It's none of her business what I'm doing anyway.

Her mouth opened, but I was saved by the waitress stuffing our plates in our faces. My mouth watered. Eggs, bacon, potatoes, and sausage links sizzled in front of me. I attacked the scrambled eggs first, following up with a mouthful of bacon.

When I glanced across the table, I saw my companion cutting into a large stack of waffles, topped with blueberries and whipped cream. She let out a contented sigh after the first bite and took a small sip of milk.

"Waffles are the best food on the face of the earth."


"What do you mean, 'ick'?" she gasped, horrified.

I shrugged. "I don't do waffles."

She stared at me like I was from another planet or something. "Who in their right mind hates waffles?"

"Plenty of people," I sniffed, ignoring her pained expression.

"Name five," she said, seriously.

I grew still for a moment, and then dropped my gaze. No names were coming up. I needed to be quick.

Think, Jase!

But before I could even go so far as to invent a few names, Della Rae pursed her lips and stood up, addressing the lunch crowd in a loud voice. "Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you are enjoying your meal."

Murmurs of contentment were tossed around in response. She beamed in appreciation.

What the heck is she doing?

"For those of you who are wondering why I am addressing all of you today, I have a very serious question to put before you."

Oh no... Please don't—

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