Chapter 21: Texts in Texas

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"Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind" – Marty Rubin


The number of messages and missed calls had my head spinning. How could my phone hold this many notifications? It was obvious that somewhere along the line, someone freaked out and realized that I wasn't answering my phone... and I had a good idea who it was.


[3 days ago] Heyyyyy, dude!! Just checking in on you. When do you think you'll be here? Gracie wants to plan dinner for you.

- Seriously, she's offering. It's not just us trying to be annoying almost-parents.

- Jaseyyyyyyyyyy

- Fine, we're making you eat liver and pickled beets!!!!

- Bruh, are you ignoring meeee?????

[a few hours later...] Okay... So I'm just gonna assume that you're driving & haven't seen this yet. All joking aside, just text me what you want for dinner and when you'll be here so we make sure we have the stuff for it.

[2 days ago] Sooooo, you never answered me. But whatever. I guess I forgive you. Hope the trip is going well! Btw, did you get your car checked before you left? That old clunker won't last forever, ya know...

- Sorry, I know you're an adult. I'm sure you have everything under control. You'll make it. It's not like you'll have to hitchhike or anything. LOL.

I chuckled. Poor Grant... he had no clue. It was going to take a bit of convincing to get him completely caught up and feeling okay with the new situation.


[2 days ago] Okay, Jase. This isn't funny anymore. Haha. Answer the freaking phone.

[3 missed calls...]

- Jason, I'm serious, man. Please answer.

- Please.

[4 missed calls...]

- Dude, you're actually scaring me and pissing me off at the same time. It's not cool.


[2 missed calls...]

- Jason, I swear, if I find out you met up with some girl & are ignoring me now...

I chuckled again. Once more... he had no idea.


[2 days ago] Jason, I am not playing. You are forcing me to consider calling MOM. Yes, our MOTHER. Do you want me to have to call her over this??

- This is stupid, man.

- Better yet, YOU'RE STUPID

- Just text a simple "I'm alive" and I'll be happy, okay??

[a few hours later...] ... Cool. Fine. I'll just keep calling you until you pick up.

[38 missed calls from Grant]

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