Chapter 5: Drool, Daisy's, & Della's Camera

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  "When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee."


I woke up to the sound of clattering and sleepy chatter. I tried to move, but my face seemed to be sticking to the cold, hard pillow beneath my head. That was odd. And why was I slouched over? My back was killing me! And I wished the noise would stop. I just wanted five more minutes of uninterrupted rest. But then I smelled coffee.

That was all I needed.

I peeled my face off of my uncomfortable resting-place, only to find that it was the countertop where I had accidentally fallen asleep last night. Something suspiciously slimy and wet ran down the side of my cheek and I hastily snatched a paper napkin off of the napkin-holder next to me, swiping the side of my cheek and the countertop. After doing this and crumpling up the disposable napkin, I shot a quick glance around.

Did anyone see that?

After assuring myself that no one saw my drool-mop-up job, I checked to see if Della was anywhere around. Her seat beside me was empty, and she was nowhere in the main dining area. I assumed she went to the restroom or out to the car. How long had I been asleep?

"Morning, kiddo!" a plump, rosy-cheeked waitress called out to me. I suddenly felt self-conscious of the fact that I had been sleeping in public and drooled on their counter without their permission.

"Um... Hi."

"Sleep well?" her eyes twinkled with what seemed like amusement.

"Okay, I guess," I replied, stretching a little, "Listen, I'm so sorry about that. We—I mean—I don't normally... Well, it was an acciden—"

She threw her head back and laughed. "Sweetie, don't apologize! We all thought that the both of you kids looked so cute together, we couldn't find it in us to wake you up."

I choked. "Uh... Us—both cute? T-together? Oh, n-no!"

"Oh, both of you are just precious! Cutest couple I've seen in months. How long have you two been together?"

"C-couple??" I spluttered like an idiot.

At that moment, like a whirlwind made up of glitter and sass, Della Rae paraded into the main dining hall by way of the ladies' room. Her oversized hoodie and knee-high Converse were finally gone, replaced with a striped teeshirt, denim vest, and floral-print pants. Her lavender hair was now pulled over to the side of her face, bound in a messy braid, and a new pair of sunshades sat atop of her head.

"Jason, you're awake!" she cried, ignoring the stares from the few early customers that had begun to trickle in. "I'm so glad. I was worried that our breakfast would be out before you were up. I took on the solemn responsibility of ordering for you."

I stared, dazed by the bright colors in her outfit. It was a lot to take in first thing in the morning. First, the embarrassment of sleeping where I did, then the waitress' obvious confusion about my nonexistent love life, and now another strangely mismatched outfit from my driving partner...

"Aw, you look so gorgeous, your fella can't even speak!" the waitress giggled, noticing my dazed look. "I was just asking him how long you two have been together."

My eyes shot open in horror. "W-we aren't—"

"—Oh, Jason and I have been together for a little while now."

I spun around so quickly, I almost gave myself whiplash.


"Really?" the waitress continued, ignoring my violent reaction.

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