Chapter 44: The End

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"Our footprints always follow us on days when it's been snowing. They always show us where we've been, but never where we're going." – Winnie the Pooh


(1 year later...)

I straighten my collar as I stand backstage, waiting to walk on set. I can hear Mickey Dallon, the talk-show host, and all of his witty banter with the audience, getting ready to introduce me. I have done interviews like this before, but I still get the pre-show jitters. I wipe my damp palms on my jeans and breathe deeply.

"...and now, it time to introduce to you the man, the myth, the legend, and the one all of those teenage fangirls have been waiting for tonight, here's Jason Lovett!"

On cue, I strut out onto the set, grinning and waving at the cheering audience in the studio, but the studio lights are super bright and it's hard to see them. I walk across the stage over to Mickey to shake his hand and then sit cross-legged in the leather seat, across from his desk.

"Soooo, Jason, my man," Mickey laughs as the younger members of the audience keep clapping. "You have quite the fanbase."

"Apparently..." I roll my eyes, waving again at the crowd to calm the fans down. "But no, seriously, they are honestly amazing. I'm just still not used to this many people liking me all at once."

The crowd and Mickey laugh.

"Well, thanks for being here, man! We were worried that you wouldn't be able to make it with your schedule like it is," Mickey continues, moving the interview forward. "How are things going, by the way? I heard you're on tour right now."

"Oh, yeah, it's great!" I lean in closer because I'm excited to talk about my music and the tour. "It's insane how many people are showing up to these shows, Mickey. Like, I've only been at it a year and there is already so much support. I actually have a show tonight, right here in New York."

"Aw, dude, that's awesome!" exclaims Mickey. "Coming back home to play a show, huh?"

"You know it," I grin, "New York can't get rid of me."

The crowd cheers again and I try to not laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

"Well, good," says Mickey. "We all love you here. So what's next on the agenda? You have a show here tonight and...?"

"So, I have a show here tonight and then I am performing in Nashville in three days, then I have two shows back to back in Texas in Houston and Dallas, then I go back to LA to record some more music."

"Ahh, yes, the album!" Mickey smiles, "You know, you honestly have one of the fastest success stories I've ever heard. You performed at the biggest talent show of the year, you released a your first single only a month or two later, then an EP right after that, and now you're recording an album while on tour? You're like the Superman of musicians, man!"

I laugh, shaking my head. "I'm just really blessed, that's all."

"But tell me about the album! Can you give us any titles or sneak peeks?"

"I can't reveal all of the titles, because my manager would kill me," I wink. "But I can tell you that a remastered version of 'Polaroids and Postcards' will be on the album, as well as eleven other new songs. I've actually been playing a few of the news songs at my concerts, so people that come to my shows are getting big-time sneak peeks."

"Oh, that's so unfair..." Mickey frowns, playfully pouting. "Well, I tried. But before we run out of time, I wanted to ask you about the book! Can you tell us anything about it?"

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