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Katie's POV

It was a new start for us all.

My family consisted of me, my mum, my dad, my older brother Josh, and my twin brother and sister Zoe and Joe, both 6 years old. Life in England was getting tougher and tougher, and when my dad got fired from his job, we made the joint decision to move to Australia, as my mum has always wanted, it has been tough leaving our friends and family, but we had promised to visit once we had settled down.

Tomorrow was my first day of school at St Martins High, and I had never been so apprehensive in my life. Meeting new people had never been one of my talents, much less settling in and making friends.

I hoped that somebody would perhaps take pity on me and invite me to sit with them for lunch. In fact it was more desperate prayers than hope. I would rather not be sitting alone on my first day thank you very much.

I had always had friends at my old school, but I never really felt like I fit in. They would be talking and I would just be on the outside of the circle pretending that I didn't even care that I wasn't part of the conversation, or that I had no idea what they were laughing at. But honestly it did bother me. My problem was that I had just never had confidence, which meant that I was bad in large groups, especially with people who I didn't feel comfortable with, basically everyone.

Ugh. I needed to stop overthinking. It was going to be fine. I was going to make friends. I was.

Fresh start remember.

*Sorry it's pretty shit, it'll get more exciting I promise! Please leave comments and like or subscribe or whatever else you do on watpadd I have no idea. Thank you for taking the time to read:)

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