Chapter 2

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I woke the next morning to the sound of my alarm at 7:30 and rolled over in annoyance to turn it off. After a few minutes of procrastinating I dragged myself out of bed with a groan and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I really hates Monday mornings.

Within half an hour I was showered and dressed, and after pecking my mum and younger brother and sister on the cheek, gravved a piece of toast to eat on the way to school.

I walked alongside my brother Josh and with a little help from google maps, we found ourselves outside the school gates within 15 minutes. We made our way to the reception area where we were greeted by a bubbly, well endowed woman, who common sense led me to believe to be the receptionist. We were handed a map of the school each by her, and our timetables. After studying them for a couple of minutes we exchanged goodbyes and good lucks, and left for our first lessons. I knew that Josh would be fine. His good lucks and natural charm was always an instant hit, and people liked him everywhere he went.

I had English first, and after getting lost a few times, I eventually found the classroom. Peering through the door, I realised with annoyance that I was the last to arrive. Great. Even more reason for people to gawp.

Letting out a reluctant sigh, I swung open the door and took a step out into my new life.

As I had expected, every head turned my way, and I sheepishly looked to the ground.

'Ah. You must be Katie Smith.' Said the teacher.

I mumbled a yes, keeping my head dropped.

'Hello Katie. I hope you feel very welcome here. Hmm let's see, there's a free space next to Luke, why don't you join him?' The teacher suggested, pointing to an empty seat next to a tall blonde boy. Gripping my books close to my chest I made my way over to the seat, and prayed that everybody would stop staring soon...


I can't believe how many people read the first chapter:O

Third chapter will be up tomorrow night

We get to speak to Luke

Please vote/comment what you think and suggest to friends:)

Stay awesome

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