Chapter 12

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It was Saturday evening. I was at Sav's house getting ready fro go clubbing with the boys and one direction. So many girls would kill to be in my position. Everything seemed so surreal at the moment. I couldn't believe that I was the one in the middle of this beautiful fairytale, everything was perfect.

I had quickly changed; I had chosen a black dress to wear, it came down to a good bit above my knees, and clung to my body, highlighting my curves. Savannah was wearing a stunning olive green lacy dress, bringing out her unmissable green eyes.

'Are you looking forward to tonight?' she asked me, her eyes shining.

'Yes... but I'm very nervous.' I answered truthfully.

'Aww you'll be fine! I'm sure they're all lovely, otherwise Michael, Luke, Ash and Cal wouldn't have invited us to meet them. They're very protective of you, you know.' she smiled comfortingly, pulling me into a hug.

I grinned back at her, her words touching me. It felt so great to be actually cared about.

'Come on then!' she laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs into the car, where Sav's mum was waiting. We piled into the back seats, and Sav's mum turned round to check we were in before setting off.

The mob of teenage girls surrounding the club made it obvious that we had arrived 15 minutes later.

'See you later girls. Have fun, stay safe!' Savannah's mum cautioned as we made our way out of the car.

As we made our way over to the club entrance, fighting through throngs of girls, many of them turned to give us a strange look.

'Who is that?' I heard many of them mutter to their friends.

Many of them recognised Sav, as I guess her and Michael had been dating for a while, and it would be hard to keep it secret for that period of time.

A few of them recognised me, maybe from the picture Luke had tweeted a few weeks ago, or maybe from the concert, I wasn't sure. The majority of the girls were very polite and friendly as we stopped for pictures with a few of them (people actually wanted a picture with me what), before we made our way into the club.

I fidgeted nervously with the bottom of my dress, pulling it further down my dress and wishing that I had worn something a bit longer, and heels a bit smaller as already my feet were starting to ache. We looked around for the familiar faces but Sav spotted them first, and pulled me over to the boys. They were sitting at a table in the corner of the club, Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael, then opposite them Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall. My breath caught in my throat and I prayed that I wouldn't start choking all over them, wow that would be attractive.

'Michael's bitch, Savannah, and Luke's bitch, Katie.' Ashton introduced us with a smirk, motioning to us as he said our names. Sav narrowed her eyes at Ashton before saying hi, confident as always, whereas I just kind of stuttered 'h..h...hi...hello.' Why was I so painfully awkward.

They all greeted us, and I noticed Harry's eyes on me. He was even more handsome in real life than any picture I had ever seen of him. His dark curly hair tumbled in a mop over his forehead, his green eyes pierced into me, the corner of his mouth raised slightly in I'm not sure what, amusement perhaps. He was attractive thee was no denying it, he kept quiet while the others were chatting. Somehow I was attracted to this dark mysterious figure.

'You alright?' I head Luke whisper into my ear, his arm winding around my waist. His breath smelt like alcohol, and he slurred his words slightly.

'Yeah I'm fine Luke. I'm just going to go outside and get some fresh air.' I replied, making an effort to stand up, but Luke's grip was strong.

'But babe you've only just got here.' he pouted.

'I'll be really quick.' I promised as I unlaced his arm from my waist, and made my way out of the back door to a small garden.

What was I thinking? I was with Luke, and I was happy, happier than I had been in a long time. Life had finally gone my way. I needed to snap out of it, I couldn't be attracted to Harry. No.

Suddenly a twig snapped behind me, and I whipped round, my body tense, my handbag ready to kill.

'Fucking hell Harry! I thought you were a murderer!' I glared at him, as he chuckled.

'Shes feisty. Luke's done well.' he commented, as he made his way towards me.

'Im here. You don't need to talk about me in third person.' I scowled, much to his amusement.

When he reached me he slotted his hands into my waists, much to my astonishment.

'What? You do want to don't you?' he smirked.

'Yes... no... I just.' I stumbled over my words in a failed attempt as seeming confident. The truth was, and I couldn't hide it, I did want to. But what if someone saw us.

'Harry, I-' my words were cut off as Harry forcefully pressed his lips against mine, leaving my out of breath. I pushed my hands against his chest, with all the strength I could muster. No. I was not doing this to Luke.

'Come on love.' he groaned, tilting his head to press his lips against mine again, his hands moving from my waist to my back, down to my bum where he made circles with his thumbs over my tight dress.

This time I couldn't stop myself. I was angry, and I wanted to show him. I wanted to show him that I could do it too, so I passionately moved my lips against his, pushing my tongue into his mouth, fisting his hair with my hands as we got more and more physical. Our bodies moved together and our eyes shut for a moment as we made out. His hands wandered down from my bum to the bottom of my skirt, where he played with the hem, and teasingly slid a few fingers underneath, before moving his hands back up, this time stopping when they reached my breasts. He cupped them in his big hands and moaned into the kiss.

Suddenly, behind us came a deep voice, the tone laced with anger and distaste, and my heart dropped to my stomach as I recognised it.

'What the fuck are you doing,' he said.


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