Chapter 2

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Art By Zarla On Deviantart
The walk to the Sugary part of Neko Atsume was normal. Sapphire and Jeeves would often see others walking around and they would greet them. Upon entering the Sugary part of the city, the two looked around. Sapphire looked for a bit before looking over to the Tower Of Treats, "There she is." Pepper was on the bottom of the tower setting down different cups of tea on a table. "Pepper!" Sapphire called. Pepper jumped a bit before looking over to the two with a sigh, "O-oh, it's only you and Jeeves. Come on over, I just finished the tea." The two walked over, Jeeves doing the same action he did with the chairs. Pepper sat down across from them. "How have you been Pepper, any news today?" Sapphire asked. Pepper seemed to blush, "W-well, I got asked to the ball." Sapphire smiled, "Really, that's splendid Pepper! Who was it?" Pepper's blush deepened, and she fiddled with her paws, "U-um, it was...Mr. Meowgi." Sapphire gasped and leaned forward on her chair, "Mr. Meowgi!?" "How did he ask?" Jeeves asked. "H-he was mentoring me on some things before he started mentoring me on slow dancing. At first I was confused but went along with it. When I asked what this mentoring was about he said he wanted me to be ready when the time came...and then he said I would be dancing at the ball. I asked with who and he...u-um held my hand and said that I would be dancing with him, and he asked me if I would like to go. I-I said yes." Pepper explained. "Oh Pepper that's wonderful! Jeeves and I will be attending the ball too." Sapphire said. Pepper raised an eyebrow, "A-as a couple?" "Well um, no." Sapphire said. Pepper gave a small giggle, "W-well of course Jeeves will be coming with you, there's not a time that I don't see him with you." Jeeves scratched the back of his head with a small laugh while Sapphire giggled, "I remembered one time I have went to catch a butterfly, but dropped my hat. Jeeves didn't see me beside him and panicked. When he found me he put my hat back on just as I have caught the butterfly. Jeeves you were such a nervous wreck." Jeeves shook his head with a smile, "You had to be more careful, I don't know what I was suppose to do when you just suddenly disappeared to catch a butterfly." Sapphire giggled, but she soon remembered something. Friday, the ball...something about it being on Friday. Sapphire gave a gasp and suddenly stood up, "Friday!" Pepper almost fell off her chair, "W-what?" "I completely forgot, Jeeves, do you know what day Friday is?" Sapphire asked, Jeeves seemed to be thinking before his eyes widen, "Our anniversary." "W-wait anniversary, about what?" Pepper asked. "The anniversary of the two of us meeting and becoming close." Sapphire said. Pepper just gave a sigh and sipped the rest of her tea, "W-well I hope you two have a great time at the ball." "Thank you, we must be leaving now, but I hope you and Mr. Meowgi have a great time too." Sapphire said standing up. Pepper blushed but smiled, "T-thanks, I'll see you then." Sapphire and Jeeves gave Pepper a wave before the two of them walked away. The two walked before a ball rolled in front of them. Sapphire, looked down at the ball before looking to see who threw it. Sapphire smiled to see three kitten looking to her as if they just committed a crime. "Sorry miss, did we hit you?" One if them asked. "Not at all, here." Sapphire said picking the ball up and bringing it to them. "Gee thanks." One of them said. "It's no trouble, may I ask who you three are?" Sapphire asked. One stepped forward, "I'm Pumpkin, these are my friends, Smokey and Spots." Smokey and Spots gave Sapphire and Jeeves a small wave. "Well it's nice to meet you three, I'm Sapphire, this is my friend Jeeves." Sapphire said giving each kitten a small pat on the head before walking away. "Bye Sapphire, bye Jeeves!" Pumpkin said. Sapphire smiled and Jeeves smiled and waved back, "Bye, and play safe alright?" "We will!" The three said as they continued to play with their ball with laughter. Sapphire gave a small giggle, "Kittens, they're so adorable." Jeeves have a small chuckle, "I remember when you were a kitten myself." Sapphire looked at Jeeves, "Are you saying I was adorable?" A tint of red rose on Jeeves muzzle, but he continued to smile, "Well you are still adorable, but only in your own way." "Aw Jeeves you're making me blush, but I remember when you were a kitten..." Sapphire began before looking ahead, "Such a handsome kitten you were." Jeeves gave a chuckle, "You think I'm handsome?" Sapphire gave a small laugh while she blushed a little, "As much as you think I'm adorable." The two gave a small laugh before continuing to walk to their location.

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