Chapter 4

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Sapphire and Jeeves walked to the Zen part of Neko Atsume, where they have to meet the last two cats for the day before returning back home to have free time. The two reached Zen, looking a round to find the two cats, when Sapphire and Jeeves couldn't them, they asked the others. Sapphire and Jeeves heard a sound of a train and looked to see Conductor Whiskers. The two walked up to him, "Conductor Whiskers, may we ask you something?" Conductor Whiskers looked from outside of the train and smiled, "Sapphire, Jeeves hello there, what can I do for ya?" "We are looking for Bob and Frost, have you seen them?" Jeeves asked. "Oh yeah I've seen them alright, they're on the Cat Metropolis, they said they were waiting for ya." Conductor Whiskers said pointing to the Cat Metropolis. "Thank you, have a nice day." Sapphire said. "Anytime, I'll see you two at the ball." Conductor Whiskers said. Sapphire and Jeeves nodded and walked to the Cat Metropolis. When they reached the Cat Metropolis they looked up. Bob seemed to notice the two and looked down, "Hello, come on up you two!" Jeeves placed the boxes in Sapphire's arms before picking her up. He jumped on each part of the Metropolis until he finally made it to the top. Jeeves placed Sapphire down as she handed him the boxes. Bob walked up to them, "Hello you two, you're just in time for the discussion." Bob walked over to a table and sat down as Frost places a bowl of Tuna Bitz for each cat before sitting down. Again Jeeves pulled the chair for Sapphire to sit before sitting next to her. Sapphire smiled to Jeeves before looking to Bob, "So Bob, what is the news for today?" Bob smiled, "Well Sapphire, as you probably know, the new kittens are coming on Friday, before the ball, I plan on adopting a kitten." Sapphire and Jeeves' eyes widen, "Really?" Bob nodded, "There's a kitten I already chosen as I got her information." "Aw Bob that's so sweet, what's her name? What is she like that you've seen?" Sapphire asked. "Her name is Ginger, I've seen in the information that's she's a very bashful kitten, and likes to carry a pink handkerchief around, it's pretty big for her size so she keeps it as a small blanket. I plan on taking her to the ball on her first day to explore Neko Atsume."  Bob said. Sapphire nodded and looked to Frost, "What about you?" Frost blushed a bit but smiled, "Well I asked Lady Meow Meow to the ball, and she said yes." "That's excellent Frost, I know that you and Lady Meow Meow have been best friends since kitten years am I correct?" Sapphire said. "Yes, I've liked her for a long time, so Friday is when I tell her how much I liked her." Frost said. Sapphire gave a small squeal, "Neko Atsume is just bustling with romance, I'm even more excited for the ball then ever." "Oh are you two also going as a date?" Bob asked. Sapphire and Jeeves blinked a couple of times. Truth be told the two weren't even annoyed by the same questions, more or likely they were confused to why so many would think that. "No, but you are not the first to ask that question." Jeeves said. "Well it's perfect, I mean just like Lady Meow Meow and I, we were friends for a very long time, there's bound to be a connection between you two right?" Frost asked. The two were silent, but they looked at each other. Sapphire gave a smile before looking to Frost, "Yes, maybe there is." Jeeves gave a smile. Bob gave a small chuckle, "You younglings make me feel older everyday." They all laughed as they continued to enjoy their Tuna Bitz. Once they finished Sapphire and Jeeves stood. Sapphire smiled to the two, "Bye you two, I hope to meet Ginger Bob, and good luck Frost." "Bye." Both said with a wave. Jeeves again gave Sapphire the boxes before picking her off and jumping off each part of Cat Metropolis. Jeeves set Sapphire down and she handed him the boxes. Sapphire looked up to Jeeves with a smile, "Well, back to our home we go." Jeeves smiled back, "Indeed Sapphire, indeed." Sapphire gave a small giggle before the two began to walk back to their home. While walking Jeeves looked at Sapphire, "Um, Sapphire, may I ask you a question?" "Yes Jeeves, what is it?" Sapphire asked looking to Jeeves. Jeeves seemed to be blushing, "I've been thinking, about what everyone said about us." "Yes?" Sapphire asked leaning a bit forward to Jeeves as they walked. Jeeves smiled, "Would you, like to go to the ball? As a date?" Sapphire smiled with a soft gasp, "You really mean it?" Jeeves nodded, "Yes, I do." Sapphire jumped up and hugged Jeeves, "Yes, I'd love to!" Jeeves seemed taken aback but hugged Sapphire back. Sapphire pulled away with a big smile, "I can't wait for the ball!"

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