Chapter 35

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Haven's Pov

 I came back to my senses to see I was in the forest, am I dreaming again? I slowly sat up and saw I was laying on a blanket on the ground. I look at my surrounding, seeing men and women dressed in black sitting around and talking to each other; they all had the same sword tattoo either on their arms or small on there neck or the back. 

" Do you always sleep so long?", a voice said that I knew all to well and I felt myself getting angry. Turning around I see Savannah with her arms crossed staring down at me. I get up and look her in the eye.

" I will not hurt neither of the boys, especially Harry.", I said through clenched teeth and pointed my finger at her. I heard myself growl at the thought of Harry's name coming out my mouth. She let out a chuckle.

" You think you have a choice? Your fighting whether you want to or not, that's why Katherina put the spell on you. We knew you wouldn't do it.", she stated taking a step closer her eyes having a hint of gold in them with her natural brown. I glared at her and felt my eyes start to change.

" Save your energy for the fight your going to need it.", she said and pushed something into my chest before walking off; looking down I saw a blood bag and I remembered the last time I tried to drink from the bag and I threw up. Shaking my head, I tore off the top of the bag and took a sniff and I immediately smelled the sweet smell of the blood and I brought it quickly to my mouth feeling the liquid stream down my throat till there was none left; I brought it away from my lips and waited a few seconds to see if anything would happen but nothing did. Strange.

" Alright everyone lets move out." a demonic voice yelled and everyone hollered and started to run into the forest. I felt my arm being grabbed and my eyes widen, it was the guy from the park and he had a tight grip on my arm and his eyes were like Savannah's but red, a dark red. He started to run and I followed him trying to take my arm out of his grip but it only tighten making him run faster. Everyone started to slow down and I saw that we were walking into a field with grass in it, this seemed like I was here before I just can't remember; the man from the park pushed pasted everyone and walked to the front of everyone and I saw Savannah and Katherina. I glared at both of them, and then turned my attention to the field and saw figures walking in the distance; when they got closer I saw a about 30 or so people who I don't know and then I saw five boys I did recognize and felt anger bubble up inside of my body and I tried to step forward but was brought back. I moved my eyes to Harry and felt my eyes change color and saw his do the same causing some of the anger to go down but then it came back again and I felt my eyes change and stay that way, Harry eyes were blazing red as he stepped up in front of everyone we had a good distance between us but I could still see him perfectly.

" Alright Savannah, you have us at the fight. Now bring me back Haven!", Harry said his voice sending chills down my back. Savannah stepped up as well and had a smirk on her face.

" You thought this fight was for her! It was to avenge my family that you killed back in 1902. You thought you killed everyone but you left me out and I watched everyone I loved die!", she screamed and then she smirked evilly, " That's why I have Haven here, she's my weapon on revenge since she's your soul mate and you know what happened if one dies?", she asked while stepping over to me and the man let me go and pushed me into Savannah.  She grabbed my hair forcefully and I felt my scalp burn making me wince, she brought her mouth to my ear making me 

" They DIE!!!!", she screamed and suddenly I cracked.

 I started to shake with anger. I looked up into the sky and saw the clouds come in and the flashes of lightning, I felt my fangs come out and the electricity run throughout my body as the veins appeared on my skin.  I looked at Harry and saw his eyes black as night with his blood red pupils and his teeth bared, I heard his growl run through my ears as my own growl ripped through my throat. Savannah let go of my hair and I let out an animalistic screech and charged at Harry while he charged at me, everyone was screaming and yelling but all I was red and Harry as my main target; his group followed after Harry and I heard their screams along with Savannah's as they both collided and started to fight.  I kept charging till I was half way near Harry and jumped into the air with my fist raised and he followed to and we collided into each other hearing a loud 'Crack' come from above us as we rolled on the floor. I lifted my head to see Harry getting up and coming at me in vampire speed and I followed suite grabbing his shirt and flinging him in the air then sped to where he would hit the ground, I grabbed his neck and smashed him into the ground seeing the ground dent from under his back. He grabbed my wrist and flipped me over climbed on top of me, I grabbed his neck and let the electricity go through my hands into his body he started to twitch and fell off me;  I got up and climbed over his body and punched him in his face, I suddenly heard the sound of running footsteps right as my hand raised to land another punch, I lifted my gaze to see Louis charging at me. I hissed and opened my palm and let the electricity shoot out and hit him in the chest causing him to fly backward and land on the ground, when I smirked that's when I felt the grip on my neck and I was met with black eyes of my demon soul mate.

Cliffhanger :)

Look on the side this how Haven Looks while charging at Harry. Like the new cover

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