Chapter 12

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Haven's Pov

 I hope that this window isn't high off the ground, opening it and looking down I notice it's not that high. Looking up at the sky, it is starting to look pink showing that the sun is going down soon. When the sun is fully down I'll make my escape.  When I walked back to the bed there was a knock on the door making me stop in mid step, walking to the door I unlocked it and opened it a little to see who is it was. It was Niall and he was holding a bag.

" Hi Haven, we got you some clothes, hair stuff, and girl stuff", he said handing me the bag. I looked at him then at the bag.

" How did you get me clothes when you don't know my size?", I questioned opening the door a little more shifting my weight to my right foot and crossing my arms over my chest.

" Umm, well you know your.... closet", he said but mumbling the word closet.

" You broke into my house again!", I said my voice getting louder than before.

" Not me, Harry did it.", he said

" Perfect that, makes me even happier", I retorted sarcastically. I took the bag out of his hands and closed the door but reopened it again.

" Thanks for before by the way", I said still sounding angry. I don't want to get close to them but I'm not mean, I know when someone is trying to help. With that I closed the door and locked it again, walking to the bed I put the bag down and looked through it. I have a grey tank top. my blue ripped skinny jeans, bra, underwear, and hair stuff. I walked over to the second door in the room and turns out I was right, it is a bathroom. I walked in and close the door, set my bra and underwear on the side and turned on the water to the right temperature. Stripping off my pjs from last night I stepped under the water and let it warm my body and soak my hair. I grabbed the bar of soap and scrubbed the dry blood of my hands, my vision started to get blurry as I thought back to that night. I can't believe the landlord is dead he was so nice, my tears mixed with the water. Everything was starting to catch up to me now, I was taken, I saw a dead body, I was the main reason for that body. Shaking my head I started to wash my hair, after that I got out of the shower and started to get dressed, I combed my wet hair and put it in a pony tail so it'll be out of my  face. When I was done my stomach started to growl.

" Great I'm hungry, now I have to look at them again", I said out loud. Sighing I made my way to the door and unlocked it. I made my way towards the living room and saw no one there,  'where are they?', I questioned myself.  I walked out the living room and saw another opening, which I'm guessing is the kitchen; when I peeked around the corner, I saw Zayn sitting at the island eating cereal.  I guess he heard me cause his head shot up in my direction.

" Hey Haven", he said putting cereal in his mouth.

" Hey, I'm hungry", I said

" Want some cereal?"

I nodded my head at him, he got up and got me a bowl, gave me  milk too.

" Which one do you want, we got frosted flakes umm captain crunch and cinnamon toast crunch", he said telling me the choices.

" Cinnamon toast crunch"

He handed me the box and gave me a spoon, I pour the milk and cereal and put a spoonful In my mouth. I love this cereal it was always my favorite, I love the way the cinnamon taste when I drink the milk after I finish eating. While I was crunching away I heard footsteps approach the kitchen causing me to turn my head in the direction but once I saw who it was I put my head back down and kept eating.

" Hello to you to Haven", Harry said walking toward the fridge.

I kept my head down and finish my cereal, I got up from my seat and put the bowl in the sink then grabbed the milk to put it in the fridge but stopped when I opened the fridge.  My eyes widen from the sight that I'm seeing, blood bags are lined up against the door and top shelf on the bottom is regular stuff you would find in a fridge. I quickly put the milk back and slammed the door closed, 'Ugh that's nasty', I thought to my self.

" What's nasty?", Louis asked walking into the kitchen and sitting at the island long with Niall.

" Your fridge is stacked with blood, along with regular food that's disgusting why didn't you guys put it in a separate one?" I question

" Well we eat normal food and drink blood so we are use to having it that way", Niall said

" whatever", I said looking at them I realized one of them is missing, " Where's Liam?"

" Why do you want to know?", Harry questioned crossing his arms turning to face me.

" Well, since I'll be staying here don't you think I should know what's going on. I mean it is you who is keeping me here so why not ask", I said back crossing my arms as well.

" He's hunting, he doesn't like to drink from the bags", Harry said

" Now was that hard to answer a simple question", I said feeling disgusted still from the topic of blood.

He turned around mumbling under his breathe, with that I walked out of the kitchen and back to the room.

Once I made it to the room, I locked the door and started to pace around the bedroom. I was scared that I'll get caught if I try to escape, shaking my head I made my way towards the window but not before turning around and looking at the door. I realize that any of them could come in when I'm going out so I decided to put the dresser in front of it and wait for a while so it could get darker. Walking back to the window I looked at the sky and saw the sun was fully gone. Great, now I all I have to do is wait for the perfect timing.


I've been waiting more than an hour and I don't hear anything, I already put the dresser against the door but I put the lamp on the bed to not make noise if it were to fall. I walked up to the window and opened it, looking down I notice I wasn't that high to actually jump I put my leg out the window and then the other and sat with my hands on my sides. I mentally counted to three and pushed my self off and landed with a thud on my feet but they gave out making me fall on my back; smirking to myself I got up and started running.

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