The Trackers Are The Tracked

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Doc Ock's POV:

I had been in my lab for three day and seven hours exactly. I have counted every ticking second, every agonizing hour as I worked like a slave to replicate this sample. I'm so close, all I need is some more red blood cells from their host, but I knew that was all but possible. My mutant was dead, after his human transformation took its toll on his body, and I was out of subjects. I dared not to leave the safety of my lab.

She was promising, but I had to abandon my lab to get away safely. I only wished I had Morbius with me, he would be quite suitable for my experiments, he proved quite useful to me. Enough doubting yourself, I growled to myself. You are the great Otto Octavius, this is only a minor setback. I prowled about, grabbing what little work I had done and whisking it into a suitable container to keep it safe from any intruders. 

"Shame," I muttered to the dead body on my floor. "You would have been promising." I picked his body up and tossed it out of my sight, I preferred not to be reminded of my failed mistakes. I couldn't just sit around and fester on the past, work is needed to be done.

I can do anything, with or without that college student.

Your POV:

You winced violently and tried to yank your arm away from Doc Connors as he tightly bandaged it. It hurt like hell and you wanted him to stop messing with it. You hissed fiercely as the pressure on your arm grew painful, he was tightening it even more. The bandage was growing more and more bloody as he wrapped it over and over again, you wished that it would stop bleeding. 

"S...sorry that I'm being difficult," you said to the Doctor, brushing the boot print off of his shirt.

"Trust me when I say, I've dealt with more difficult patients. I've had to treat the Hulk. You can imagine what that's like."

You were shifting your arm around a few times to get used to the feel. "Is...Scarlet okay?"

"He's stable," he sighed. "There's nothing more I can do for him."

You felt tears well in your eyes, but you held them back. "Is he awake? Can I talk to him?"

Doc Connors looked at a monitor, sighing. "He is awake, but I'm not sure that he's ready to-" You cut him off, rushing past him and over to Scarlet. His suit was off, he wore nothing but a loose pair of pants and his back was stitched and bandaged. He opened his eyes in mild shock as he realized it was you staring at him in awe. He was so much more likeable now that you've seen him with out his mask, his dark blue eyes meeting yours. You noticed there was a scar at the top of his left eye that streaked across the bridge of his nose. His hair was a light brown and it was short enough to almost not be there. You gently reached out and touched his arm, smiling warmly.

He looked from your hand and your face. "[Y/N], are you alright?"

"I had to have stitches in my arm, but it's nothing," you said, lightly. "After all, you did save me from the flaming flying car a while back." 

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