I'm into drummers

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Heyy sorry if my chapters are quite short I promise once my story gets going the chapters will be way longer. I'll try to make this one quite long if possible :))

Saturday came around way too fast.

I was woken from my deep sleep by the smell of bacon, tempting me downstairs. I rolled over onto my side and pressed the home button my phone. It was 9.45. I kicked my quilt off of my legs and rushed downstairs to the kitchen where my dad stood at the oven, frying some bacon in a pan. "Morning sunshine" he chirped as he wiggled the pan about. My mum came in and dropped a pile of washing into the basket. "Hey, sweetie" my mom said cheerfully as she planted a kiss on my forehead "got any plans today?"
"Yeah actually, the boys asked me if I wanted to go and watch them rehearse" I replied casually
"Rehearse?" My mom questioned. My dad was now listening to the conversation
"Yeah um.. Well they are sorta making a band?",
"Oh right. Good for them! Well have fun and remember I'm making a dinner tonight so be home for 6pm"
"I will mom" I groaned as she walked towards the fridge and opened it. My dad, now satisfied with the bacon, put it between two slices of bread and handed it to me on a plate. I thanked him and he gave me a quick hug before I disappeared upstairs to make myself look presentable.

I set the empty plate down on my dresser and started to get ready. I proceeded to go to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Once that was done I sprinted back to my bedroom with a towel wrapped round me and a turban in my hair. I slipped on a dressing gown in place of my towel to ensure that I had some free hands. I sat cross legged on the floor, staring into the mirror, wondering what to do with my hair. I finally decided to blow dry it and leave it down, as I didn't want to look overdressed. I didn't feel the need for makeup today because all we weren't going out anywhere. I simply put on a layer of mascara and that was just for the sake of it.

I threw open my wardrobe and scoured the contents for something suitable to wear. I decided to wear my black, ripped skinny jeans and my vans baseball tee with a checked shirt tied around my waist. I pulled on a choker which had a tiny moon pendant on the end of it, stuffed my phone into my jeans and dashed down the stairs. Quickly I pulled on my white converse and opened the door, shouting to my mom that I would be back soon as I walked over the threshold.
I shoved my earbuds into my my ears and continued to walk down my garden path. I pulled open the rickety gate and closed it hastily behind me. For some reason, I felt excited. I had butterflies in my stomach and a spring in my step. I was anticipating hearing the four of them sing and the thought of them playing together made a massive grin take over my face. I picked up my walking pace, desperate to get to Luke's house.

I walked up Luke's driveway and knocked three times on the front door. Liz opened it and greeted me "hello spud!" She had called me this ever since I was little "come on in, the lads are in the garage waiting for you." She motioned toward the door that led to the garage. I thanked her and opened the door to see Michael; a battered guitar in his grasp, Ashton; perched behind a set of drums, Calum; polishing a black bass guitar and Luke; smirking at me as he tuned his new white guitar. The other three turned round to look at me as I entered, copying Luke's facial expression. "Hey dorks." I grinned cheekily. "Sup babe" Ashton replied, winking jokingly.

"We are just about to start rehearsing, so you came just in time." Michael informed me as I sat down on a giant dusty speaker that wasn't in use. "Okay guys 1,2,34" Luke shouted, starting the song off. It started with Michael and Luke strumming a very familiar guitar riff. Ashton joined in, giving the song a beat. Finally, Calum provided a bass and all the instruments blended together, creating a smooth sound. Instantly I recognised the song. It was 'teenage dream' by Katy Perry, a song that was frequently on the radio. "I think you're pretty, without any makeup on" Luke started to sing. As he said this he winked at me. Why did my cheeks heat up when that happened?

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