The stars as our roof

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Luke's P.O.V

I hope Danielle wasn't annoyed that I couldn't show her the book.

It's too personal.

This book has all of our songs in it, and most of them are inspired by her.

God I sound cliché.

But it's true. The guys know that me and Danielle have a connection thing... I don't even know what you'd call it but we have a thing going on that I can't explain. I've wrote so many songs about it (the other boys helped me of course) and I would hate for her to see them. That book is like a diary; the thoughts in it just too hard to share.

I write songs about things that I can't say out loud.

I sent Dan a quick text
"Sorry I couldn't show you the book, you'll find out what is in it soon enough, ok? :)"
She replied almost instantly
"It's ok, and what do you mean I will find out soon enough? D"
Me and Michael had come up with the idea of doing a gig at our local club and we wanted Danielle to come to it seen as though she loved our cover of teenage dream. Calum and Ashton were on board with the idea too.

"I mean we are playing our first ever gig next week at the club and we want you to come and watch it. We've put an ad in the paper and my mom got some flyers printed to stick around town. What do you say? :))"
My phone vibrated
"I'd be honoured to come and watch you! D :)"
It's settled. I'm going to sing songs to Danielle inspired by Danielle.
"Do you want to go to Rocky Mountain with me and the boys this evening? We were planning on having a picnic and stuff :P" I type back
"Oooo yes, count me in! See you soon! D x"

In case you didn't know, Rocky Mountain is a huge hill that looks over Aus. Whenever we got up there, we park Calum's battered Cadillac on the edge of the cliff and sit on the bonnet of the car, eating s'mores and listening to bands that we love. As it was summer, we decide to go up there at sunset today. It was going to be perfect.

Danielle's P.O.V

Luke had invited to me to Rocky Mountain tonight with him and the lads. This was something we did regularly in the summer.

Luke had seemed weird over the weekend, I mean why can't I look at what's inside the book? I guess I just need to chill a little bit; they'll tell me when they're ready to tell me about the secrets that are inside.

My mum and dad were on a business trip so I simply left the house and locked up. I had packed my Bluetooth speaker, Polaroid camera and phone into a small backpack that was now slung onto my shoulders. I walked up my cobbled path and round the corner, turning onto the pavement. After five minutes, I was at Luke's front door. As usual, I rapped on the door and Luke welcomed me in.

Damn he looked cute tonight.

He was wearing black skinny jeans (obviously a given) and a black t shirt. Over the top, he wore a red checked shirt and his feet were covered by all-black converse. I looked up into his blue eyes and smiled sweetly. I heard him mutter something under his breath as he turned round to pick up his house keys
"Why is she so damn beautiful oh my go-"
I coughed
"Oh!I'm-you're still there-ah yes right well"
I laughed into my hands "c'mon Luke, let's get going" he nodded in agreement as he ran his hands through his blonde unruly hair.

Together we walked to Calum's. Halfway there I felt his hand go to my waist protectively. Electricity burst through my veins as his fingers rested lightly on the waistband of my jeans.
This is something he did regularly.
I'm not complaining though.

We collected the others (they had all stayed at Calum's that day) and his hand never faltered from my waist. Cal pulled his Cadillac round to the front of the house and we all jumped in; me, Luke and Michael in the back with Ashton sitting up front next to Calum the chauffeur. Michael was showing off a tattoo that he had gotten that morning. It was a simple black band around his forearm, but he felt so badass.
"Dan, look at my tattoo though"
"I can see it mikey, it's just a black band"
"But I look like a punk rocker"
"Some punk rocker" I chuckled. Michael hit me playfully on the shoulder while ash swivelled round in his seat and breathlessly laughed aloud. Luke cracked a smile and cackled to his self. We played music and screamed the lyrics out of the window, not caring who heard us.

We were free.

My hair flowed behind me and my body flowed with the music. We were having a good time and it was moments like these that I realised how much I loved these four idiots.

Around half an hour later we were at the top of the cliff, right on the edge. Cal put the car into gear and we all got out, each of us ladened down with blankets, food and drinks. I laid the blankets onto the bonnet of the car and set up the fairy lights so that they hung around the front window. ash connected his phone to the speaker and blasted out his Spotify playlist. We drank (orange juice, not alcohol) to our hearts contents and sang to no one in particular, shouting the lyrics into the air. After a while, we transferred to live music. This meant that Luke was strumming a tune on his battered, much-loved guitar. He sang and the lyrics were carried away by the wind.
"She sits at home with the lights out, seeing life in different colours" it was like he was singing to me. The other boys joined in. "We can run down the street, with stars in our eyes. We can tear down this town in the dark of the night"

It was at this moment I knew that they were going to go far.

After a playlist of songs had been sung it was sunset. We turned off the speaker and wrapped blankets around our shoulders. The sun looked over Australia like a proud parent. I sat next to Luke, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Do you ever think" He whispered into my ear "of getting away from this uneventful place?"
"Yes actually" I replied "I wanna get out of here and do something for myself you know?"
"Well on Saturday at our gig there is going to be at the club, do you wanna come and support us?"
"OMG LUKE!" I cried "YES! Of course I'll come, I'd be honoured to." A huge smile overcame his face and he hugged me tightly.

And that's when the whirlwind of events started.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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