Chapter 5

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"Log date 061415. I spent yet another night staring at the bed slats above me. This is due mostly to my concern that, come morning, I will wake up to find that Jasper's employment at Camp H.G. has been terminated. For stars' sake, the only reason I return to this insipid energy-suck every year is because Jasper insists.

"Well, admittedly, that might not be true. But still. Jasper tends to make this place a lot more fun than it would be on my own.

"Of course, on the other hand, I might not be completely on my own. Lazuli has been dragged along for the metaphorical ride as well. If Jasper does end up getting sacked, the summer might not be entirely lost.

"But I hope that Jasper doesn't get sacked. Plus Lazuli might leave regardless. And then I'd be alone."


Peridot grasped the top of her tablet and pulled it towards her body—an automatic response. The cabin was still mostly dark, with the first few rays of sunlight just seeping in through the trees past the easternmost windows. She looked up to find Steven, resting on his elbows while still under the covers of his bed, looking back at her intently. His eyes were sleepy, but his face was set.

"Yes, Steven?" she whispered.

"What are you doing? It's so early."

"Nothing." Peridot covertly moved her finger to press the standby button on her tablet. Once the screen was dark, she slid it under her pillow before turning back to the boy. "Why are you awake?"

Steven shrugged at first. His fingers were toying with a loose string on the sleeve of his pajamas. He stared resolutely down at it as he whispered, "Can't sleep. I'm worried."

Usually Peridot would've left it at that and told him to go back to sleep. But she was worried too. "Why are you worried?"

Steven shrugged again, and then said, "My dad wanted to pull me out of camp. Jasper punched my friend, and even though she did that I'm scared she might get fired. Plus Lapis is really mad."

Peridot wished for the first she had the capability to be comforting, or maternal. But unfortunately, she was still just Peridot. So what she said was, "Your worries are valid."

Steven sighed a little. "Peridot?"

"Yes, Steven?"

"Is everything going to be okay?"

Peridot allowed for a moment of silence before responding, "I'm not sure."

"Are you going to leave if Jasper and Lapis leave?"

Another moment of silence, which was heavy with tension. Or maybe only Peridot noticed that. Steven's eyes remained fixated on hers, shining with what she realized was hope. "No. I won't leave."

His eyes softened, then drooped. Peridot could just catch him whispering, "Good," before he settled back down onto his mattress. Peridot didn't move again until she heard a quiet snore emanating from under his arms, where he had buried his face. Listening hard for a moment longer, she noted a chorus of fifteen rhythmic breathing patterns filling the cabin. She reached back for her tablet and turned its screen back on.

"Anyway. The wake-up call will sound in a little less than two hours. I'm going to make a final effort to rest before then. I will know what Jasper's fate entails soon enough, so I figure there's no real sense in worrying about it now.

"I seem to remember Jasper saying something about Lapis's being an insomniac. Maybe when this all settles down, I'll ask her for advice on how to deal with it. It's new to me.

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