Chapter 13

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Peridot felt herself slipping—literally slipping down the pillar against which she was pinned. Or, rather, where she used to be pinned; Lapis's grip had slackened significantly. Whereas before she couldn't have cared less, now Peridot's skin crawled with every millimeter the slimy wood crept up her spine.

Neither of them had yet to say a word. Neither of them had even breathed since they first heard the voice call out.

Just before Peridot could build up the courage to whisper, What should we do?, the voice called out once more.

"Peridot, I know you can't go far without your prostheses. And they're here on the deck. So come on now. I'm not leaving until I can speak with you both."

The accent left no question as to who it was. But before Peridot could even move, she saw Lapis's mouth twitch, and heard the slightest breath exhale the name, "Garnet."

"Yup," said Garnet from above them. At that, both Peridot and Lapis flinched. Peridot couldn't imagine how it was possible that Garnet heard them. But, regardless, Garnet continued, "All right. I'm going to turn around so that you can get out of the water and get dressed. Then, we're going to chat." Peridot heard the shuffling of feet. Then, "Let me know when you're ready."

There was no other option than to obey. Lapis gave Peridot one last desperate look before she nodded her head a nearly imperceptible amount. Then Lapis slid her hand—which was now freezing cold—down to her elbow before pulling it away.

"Leg up," Lapis said in a low voice. She clasped her hands below the surface of the water, in which Peridot gingerly placed her knee. Then, grasping the edge of the dock, Peridot used all of her might (and Lapis's leverage) to pull herself up. Once seated—and trying to not become distracted by the feeling of grainy wood grating against her bare backside—she turned to wordlessly offer a hand to Lapis. Lapis didn't need it though; she had enough strength to gracefully climb next to her.

As Lapis began picking her way through the pile of clothes for her undergarments, Peridot pulled her boxers on right where she sat. Then her sports bra, then her shirt, and then finally her legs. The water that was still stuck to her body seeped into her clothes as she dressed.

When Lapis finished dressing, she sat next to Peridot. Lapis released another shaky breath as she reached to squeeze Peridot's thigh. The squeeze was a little harder than was comfortable, but Peridot yearned for it once Lapis pulled her hand away to place them in her own lap. Then, finally, Lapis swallowed hard and said, "Okay."

Only then did Peridot dare to look at the young woman just ten feet in front of them. Garnet was already tall—like, Amazonian-level tall—but looking at her from Peridot's position on the ground made her neck crick. It was like she was trying to see the top of a skyscraper from a sidewalk.

Garnet turned, her face behind her sunglasses completely unreadable. But as soon as she saw that Lapis and Peridot were sitting, Garnet stepped forward and sat too. She crossed her legs, and then she was still.

When Garnet didn't say anything, Peridot gulped. Then she asked, "How'd you find us?"

"Is that important?" Garnet asked simply.

Peridot just tucked her chin into her chest. Though the breeze in the air was light, it cut through her damp clothes and made her shiver. (Or maybe it was the whole situation that made her shiver. Either way, Peridot was forced to clench her teeth to keep them from chattering.)

But Garnet answered anyway, "I was going for a jog when I heard a noise. I came over to investigate."

"You were jogging?" Lapis asked in a sharper voice than Peridot was entirely sure was necessary. "So late at night?"

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