Chapter 4: Freaking Out (For like, the twentieth Time)

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He could have at least made it blunt.  I might have been a little less hysterical.  Like Hagrid, in the movie, was like, "Harry, you're a wizard."  Joziah was not that kind.  But, most boys weren't.  Back to the story.  I was still seething from the fact that he sort of blackmailed me to get me to focus.  Jerk.  Anyways, after that previous conversation, he decided to inform me about that missing piece in my past.

"Why can't you say anything to me?  Urgh, you male people are so annoying!" I exclaimed, extremely frustated with the only person who held the key to my past.

"Alright, alright let's start from the beginning.  So, you know you how you had the disease, right?"  I nodded.  "Okay, so only certain people could get the disease.  And only certain people knew what the disease was, who it was targeting, and why.  But this particular outbreak was used as a weapon.  As a warning, or punishment of sorts.  To your kind."  He looked down, and took a breath.  

"You and your friends have done extraodinary things to this world, and only a small amount of people knew of these things.  Some idolized your work.  Others took to it negatively.  My grandfather was one of those people who knew.  He saw the work that you were doing, and he saw how it was affecting the world.  So when you and your band of merry men turned up ill, with a small group of others, he worked tirelessly for a solution.  It was almost given to him.  He proceeded to cure you, and didn't get to see the affects of his work.  His pride and joy--" he faltered.  By this point he was turned around with his head down, but after he stumbled through those few words, he turned and saw me wide-eyed.  

He quickly looked up at the ceiling, and I followed his gaze.  The cameras, I thought.  We both looked down, and he turned his head back to me.

Under his breath, as low and quiet as he could, he mumbled, "We need to leave tonight.  I've said too much.  There is somewhere we can go.  I'll see if I can get your friends in here so we can all go together."  I nodded.  He promptly got up and left.  I had a lot to think about.  As all this settled on me, a nurse walked in.

"A young man requested to see you in the gardens," she said, her voice high and obnoxiously nasally.  I slowly got off the bed, and stood up.  

"I am not seeing anyone today.  Tell them to come back some other time," I stated, walking over to my dresser.

"I really must insist you go," she said persistingly annoying me.

"And give me one good reason."

"He's your brother."

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