In the begining..

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Life was ruff, hell it was anything but easy for castiel Novak, his father left before he was five years old and after that his mother would call him down to his lowest and burn him with her cigarette ashes, he was in constant pain and she laughed as a mockery to what he live with, he was alway stressed or depressed; mainly both, and it didn't help that he was bullied everyday day in high school for having social anxiety and being to skinny, but no one ever knew the truth about him, no one ever payed attention to him.

But that was sometime ago and now he's living in Kansas in a old apartment building, working at the local tattoo Parlour which happens to be 10 minutes away from where he lived.

Drawing had always been something he was good at and enjoyed doing so, he would draw no matter the mood, it was almost like an outlet for him.

In his room drapes coved the window in way that would bother most,they hung over the pole ruffly and there was a tar in the left curtain, castiel watched the sun beam into the dark room thinking about life and that was always when he thought about his insecurities and everything he knew he could never change.

He pulled himself from the material of the mat-trice as if he was trying to be quite, almost as if there was someone sleeping beside him, but he was alone.

He brushed his teeth and spat into the sink and rinsed it down the drain watching it stream, he put his light blue jeans that are wore to holes at the knees on and his shirt and sweater on leavening without breakfast, as usual.

He put his headphones in listening to pink Floyd.
He always jogged to work but today for whatever the reason may be he walked.

He arrived at work and flipped the closed sign around too open and walked in to see Tessa staring at him at the cash.

Tessa" hey castiel...
Castiel" oh hi Tess, how was your weekend?
Tess" oh it was just lovely gabe took me too the country side!he bought us a cottage, isn't that great?

Castiel smiled

Castiel"that's so amazing, I'm happy for you.

Castiel walked to his office where he kept his supplies, it was quiet but unique in its own way, he had a abundance of drawing tacked to to all for walls.

He let out t a loud sigh and walked to his station and set up his gun and arranged inks.


Castiel paused for a brief moment

Castiel"Tessa are you going to get that?

But there was no awnser.


He went to the counter and there was a note taped to the Cash register "hey castiel I hope you don't mind I had to leave in a hurry, I'll only be gone half an hour can you manage the phone, thanks  -Tessa


He picked up the phone hysterically and paused for a moment and Gathered himself.

Castiel" hello this is kanas tattoo and piercing shop, my name is castiel how may I help you?

Castiel swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Person on the other end of the phone" oh ah hi my names dean Winchester and I have an appointment for a tattoo and I just wanted too know if you could remind me what time I'm scheduled for?

Castiel" just one moment sir.

Castiel flipped threw the book scrolling down the long pages until he found the name dean Winchester.

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