bad boy in the night

68 5 17

Cas smiled at the paper, he scanned the the ink paths with his eyes and felt the tear On the side of the paper, Deans hand writing was messy but not the kind of messy that is impossible to read but the kind that is cute and neat to see because it stands out from others.
That day cas left work early so he could gather himself, he got home in a hurry and sat by the phone wondering what to say or what if this was all a joke, finally he picked up the phone and dialled deans phone number, he took and beep pretty and held it.

Cas was so nervous he could barely contain himself.

The wring cut and Dean answered.

Dean" Hello?

Cas passed and ruffled the back of his collar.

Cas" hi ah this is Castiel from earlier.
Dean"oh yes, you called!
(He said in a pleasured tone)
Cas" ah yea Haha
(He said nervously)
Dean" so listen there's a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?
Cas" like as a date?
Dean" yea sure.. Like a date
(He teased)
Cas" sure what time?
Dean"well it starts at 10:00pm tonight so I'll pick you up at 9:30pm okay?
Cas"sure, thanks
Dean" don't mention it, bye now

And the line went dead with a strict crack.

Cas was very excited that Dean had asked him to a party.... And as his date!.  But more than anything he had been nervous, he wasn't good at socializing and at a party your hell bound to have to talk to someone you don't know.
Cas put on a black suit and blue tie and to change things up a little he put his trench coat on over it and cautiously waited by the window watching for deans car to pull through trying not to fall asleep, the clock struck 10:00 and shortly after there was a knock on the door in a particular pattern in motion, cas walked to the door in a hurry and twisted the door knob to see see a tall man with long brown hair standing in the door frame and he could hear the roar of a Chevy impala in the background.

Stranger" ah hi my name is Sam, and ah my brother asked me to bring you to the party, your cas right?
Cas" yea ah, what about Dean?where is he?
Sam" he had to take care of somethings but e will be there.

Cas cautiously walked out the door and into the passenger seat beside Sam. The silence was taking over all space in the impala so Sam decided to engage in conversation, he raised his eyebrows and spoke.

Sam" so I hear your a tattoo artist huh!

Cas was playing with his tie and looked up with a curious look.

Cas" yea  i just work down the road from here actually

He pointed to the parler while driving past it.

Sam" yea you did a really great job on deans tattoo I saw it earlier.
Cas" thank you, it took me some time, I'm glad you like it

Cas gave Sam a little grin and turned to the road and watched the yellow lines streak as they past.

Sam" so ah how long have you know Dean? I haven't seen you before.

Cas chuckled to himself and patted his sleeve.

Cas" I actually just met him today...

He said while laughing to himself softly.

Sam" oh! I see, your going together?
Cas" that's the plan...

There was a small pause in Sams breath patterns and he spoke again shortly.

Sam"So tell me about yourself, from around here?
Cas" no actually I'm from Canada,I moved here when I turned 18
Sam" 18 huh just after school?
Cas" yea...
Sam" was there a reason for that?

Cas cringed at the question and his face felt hot so he told a lie, he didn't want to reveal the truth of his past.

Cas" oh no, I was just offered a job here that pays well so I took it without hesitation.

The rest of the ride home was quite and long, finally they arrived, lights flashed threw the windows and music blared, Sam walked cas to the door and said his goodbyes, cas walked in the door frame and was nearly knocked over by people dancing so he hurried to a corner of the room and tried to wait patiently, a girl walked to him and smiled.

Girl" hi there looked like you could use some company?
Cas" oh thanks, I'm just waiting for someone tho
Girl" my names Meg, nice to meet you!
Cas" my names Cas, say you know where I can find something to drink?

Meg leaded him threw the crowd to a table where there was an arrange of alcoholic beverages, Meg passed him a beer and they walked to the Side, and had talked about just everything under the sun when the clock struck twelve, cas had grown impatient long ago so he said his goodbyes and decided that he would leave because clearly Dean wasn't coming. He walked out the door in frustration thinking to himself why did I even come. He didn't have a ride home so he walked to the curb and walked with his thumb up attempting to to hitchhike but no one was paying attention to him. He was far from his apartment and was getting cold when he heard the same roar of the impala that Sam had picked him up in so he waved his hands and the the impala pulled aside and guess who it was... Dean.

Dean"need a ride?
Cas" sure

Cas climbed into the car and crossed his arms.

Dean" I went to the party but I didn't see you.

Cas was silent.

Dean" sorry I was late I had to take care of somethings.

Cas was still silent

Dean" I said I was sorry.

Cas patted his sleeve and spoke.

Cas" why didn't you cancel if you had more important things to do?
Dean" it's not like that not really, let me make it up to you tomorrow.
Cas" no ah I think I'll pass
Dean"c'mon I promise I'll do it right this time.

Dean put his had on cas' knee and stroked it in a motion that sent chills up cas' back, Dean went moved it further up his leg until he had it on his crotch, cas jerked a little when that happened and and held on to the back of the car seat, Dean smiled and pulled over to the look out sight and turned the key and the impala was silent. Dean smiled At him and put a hand on cas' face and Kissed him passionately and they took there clothes of in a hurry and went to the back seat of the impala, Dean bent him over the Seat when cas spoke.

Cas" Dean.... Dean!
Dean" what, what's wrong
Cas" Dean I've never done this before and I don't know what I'm..

Cas couldn't finish before Dean interrupt him.

Dean" Cas don't worry, I got you.

Dean continued to bend him over the back seat and and thrusted his hips towards him, cas was breathing heavily and so was Dean, Dean held on to cas' sides and thrusted harder and cas let out a load moan and came on the seat, and Dean did the same, cas let another moan out and they pulled away from each other, Dean laid back in the Sean behind him and Cas laid on deans chest while Dean played with his hair.
Still breathing heavily Dean said.

Dean" so I think I better get you home.

Cas chuckled and said shortly.

Cas" alright

Dean pulled up into the parking lot and walked Cas to the door while he grabbed his hand and turned to him.

Dean" can I come in?

Cas smiled and said Shortly.

Cas" I'll see you tomorrow

And Dean kissed him softly and cas walked throw the door.

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