Damit martha!

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Cas stood in the door way and bit his lip, cas said talking to nobody as he walked into the kitchen and turned on the kettle.

Cas" hh.. He kissed me, Dean Winchester kissed me!,wait what does this mean?.. Is he my... No, no he couldn't possibly feel that way for me..but what if he does..

Cas pored milk in he's tea and dropped a sugar cube in and the tea slashed onto the counter and he let out a sigh, he hurried into the the living room and turned on the television, he skipped through channels until he got to a cooking segment of martha Stewart, he sipped his tea as Martha made a tuna casserole. He sipped some more while watching Martha still trying to gather himself when he herd a knock on the door in a pattern that sounded a lot like the way Sam had knocked earlier, so he walked to the door with his tea in his hand, he place he's hand firmly on the door knob and turned it slowly expecting to see Sam, the door open and ironically instead or Sam it was Dean standing in the door frame looking adorable holding A bottle of wine.

Dean" so can I come in now?

Castiel sat his tea on the table beside him didn't make a move after, but he had a large smirk on his proud face looking at Dean, and of course Dean being Dean he didn't wait for a answer, he hurried threw the door frame and sat the bottle on the table beside him messily and pulled Castiels shit off in a panic, he picked him up like a child and sat him on the couch and they took turns taking each other's clothes of as if it was a strip tease, Dean got on top and let castiel do the work this time, Dean laid over him like a sheet and held on to cas while he's was being thrusted into the air, the scruff of Castiels neck rubbed against deans and it drove him crazy, Dean was pulling on cas' hair at every thrust so it was in motion, cas let out a loud moan and Dean followed with a long moan after, Castiel pulled himself from deans ass and squealed, Dean laid down on the coach and Castiel laid on deans chest playing with deans hand and holding it in his own while trying to catch his breath and sat up, Dean looked at him funny and rose his eyebrows tall and spoke while pointing at Castiels chest.

Dean"What's that?
Castiel" ah wha-what do you mean?
Dean" that... Right there those cigarette burns on your chest... W-why?
Castiel" it's a long story..
Dean"well hell we've got time..

Cas looked at his chest and reached for his shirt when Dean grabbed his hand and held it. And spoke in a kind voice.

Dean" hey.. Cas I've got scars to we're all a little broken huh..

And Dean pointed to a long scar on his leg and smirked.

Dean" see that right there huh,summer of 69 yea me and Sam and my father were on a hunting trip, we had been walking in the woods when I got caught in a snare of some sort, it was messy and such but it's all history from there.

Cas looked down at his chest and sat back against the the couch as spoke.

Cas"I think I'll have some of that Wine now.
Dean" yea ah yea

Dean got the wine and looked around the apartment.

Cas" I'll get the glasses

Dean watched Castiel reach for the glasses and blurted something.

Dean" well that's one hell of an ass ya know.

Dean chuckled softly and Castiel turned slowly looking at him with a grin on his face full of laughter.

Cas"Well your not so bad your self, past man model?

They both roared laughing and Dean came close to Cas with a smile on his face and picked him up like a child and sat him on the couch again and pored there glasses high.

Dean" so Martha Stewart huh?

Cas filled with laughter again and spoke.

Cas" hah yea this woman has so many skills, like cooking, gardening, sewing.
Dean" Damit Martha I think I'm hooked!

The two laughed softly and stared into the television and there was a long pause until Castiel spoke.

Cas" I didn't do that to myself..

Dean looked puzzled until he realized.


Cas took a guzzle of his whine and sat it down on the coffee table. And with tear a single tear streaking down his cheek said.

Cas" mm... My mother

he cleared his throat.

Cas" my mother abused me since I was a baby

Dean garbed Cas and held him tight in his arm like a child, he kissed him softly on his forehead and held him close and spoke to cas softly almost in a whisper.

Dean" I won't let anyone hurt you again, you hear me no one!

Cas could feel deans muscles and he held them tight.  Dean rubbed his fingers over cas' eyes brushing the tears away for him and cas spoke and his voice broke up a little.

Cas"Okay D-Dean.

The rest of the night Dean held cas in his arms and they fell asleep on the couch binge watching Martha Stewart.


cas was awoken by the sound of his alarm clock, he could only hear it vaguely because it had been in his room, God only knows how long it had been going for. And he looked at the time.


He got to his feet and put his clothes on and woke Dean up in the process accidentally.

Dean" what's going on?..what's wrong?

Cas spoke in a hurry while poring coffee into his mug.

Cas" sorry I'm late for work, ahh help yourself to the food in the fridge, ah gotta go!

He put his trench coat on and he was out the door swearing every two seconds.

Dean spoke talking to only himself.

Dean" have a good day at work sweetie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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