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No one could hate her. She was perfect. Her shiny blonde hair sat majestically around her hips and had never had a hair straightener or curler style it. Blue eyes shone with intelligence and innocence, you could tell she was an intriguing woman just by looking at her eyes. Her smile lit up her whole face and was always true, she never lied.

Misha's parents had died when she was 13 and for the past 3 years she had lived with her Aunt Kyla. Her Aunt was a singer and was never home, but Misha was a respectable and trusted girl so she didn't mind. Her curfew was 12 but she was always home before 10:30. Some people would call Misha Goody-Two-Shoes but they all loved her. Everyone in the small town of Mike in Australia knew her and envied her. All girls wanted to be her and every boy wanted to dater her, which she knew, but she didn't care. Misha had never had a boyfriend or been on a date. You would think of her a church girl, but she despised religion and that was about the only thing that she would get angry or heated at.

Being 16 was a confusing age for most teenagers, but Misha had everything worked out. She would go to University on a scholarship, become a doctor, and then settle down in a relationship. Her grades were straight A's and she had never gotten a detention or sent to the principal’s office. She was perfect.

"Misha wait up!" Tina ran after her friend, grasping for air.

"Oh sorry Tina I didn't notice you," Misha paused at the gate of her school and turned to look at her best friend. Tina was so dishevelled and mess and she had to giggle. Tina could never stay tidy, as she was an accident prone and by the end of a school day she always had bruises or scratches on her arms and legs, and her hair was always out of place.

“Ha-ha its ok. How was your day?” Misha and Tina didn’t have any c lasses together, but they always walked home and talked about the different events that had happened.

When Misha arrived home, she was a bit tired. Her birthday was the next day and her Aunt was going to wake her up extra early like she did every year. Each year they went to the canyon that her parents had fallen into while parachuting and mourn their death. It was Misha’s birthday and her parents were taking her parachuting for the first time, and they had both gotten a faulty ‘shute, and had fallen into the canyon. Each year Misha regretted her birthday and wished her Aunt would stop taking her, but Kyla was a spiritual; person and felt that it was rude, so they went every year.  

Making her dinner, Misha sat down on her couch and checked her social media. Before long, she was passed out on the couch.

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