The new girl

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Fixed it. sorry about the other part, it just didn't make sense.

Misha walked to the hill with Tina, her new necklace hung around her neck and shone beautifully.

"I can't believe she wouldn't tell you! Like come on, you are the most responsible person out and your own Aunt can't tell you something important to do with your parents." Misha told Tina about her conversation at the canyon.

"Oh well, I just want to have a good night and not worry about it."

"Aha, oh and Sam invited a new girl, Julie I think her name was, hope you don't mind. I think he said she was from California and she just moved next door to Sam with her Uncle. He thought she might like to spend the night meeting new people."

"Sweet, I love new people. I hope she likes the town." Misha loved it when she made new friends.

The girls were swamped with people when they got to the party, and everyone wished Misha a Happy Birthday. The party had just started and nearly all the teenage population of Mike was there, so about 600 kids.

"Wow a lot of people are here!" Misha felt a bit overwhelmed.

"Yeah, you are popular..." The voice came from behind Misha.

"Hi, you must be Julie." The girl was gorgeous. She had jet black hair that was tied up into a bun, and her eyes were so dark it was kind of creepy. But she looked amazing.

"Yeah, and you are the perfect girl Misha I keep hearing about.” Julie smirked at her, “You ain’t that good.”

“Um, ok then.” Misha felt offended, she didn’t even know this girl.

“Have a nice night.” Julie turned to go, but something caught Misha’s attention.

“Nice necklace, where did you get it?” Julie had a necklace that was exactly like Misha’s, except hers was blue not red.

“I got it yesterday as a birthday present why?” Julie looked at Misha strangely.

“Well I have one like it,” Misha showed the pendant to Julie, who looked amazed.

“Wow I guess it wasn’t as special as I thought it was,” Julie walked off.

“Fine then…”

Misha enjoyed the rest of the night, steering clear of Julie. Some kids brought alcohol and Julie was drunk so it wasn’t hard. Misha danced, chatted, and was being a normal teenager. She was sober, unlike some of the people, and planned to keep it that way. Tina and her decided to leave at 11, not wanting to worry Tina's parents, and headed off back to Tina's house.

"Well that Julie girl seemed nice." Tina wasn't with Misha when Julie had talked to her.

"She has the same necklace as me, except hers is blue." Misha was still confused about it.

"Really? I thought your Aunt would have given you something that was special, that not many people had."

"Without sounding like a snob, so did I. Oh well, Julie didn't like me. She said that I wasn't good or whatever..."

"Don't get upset by it, she doesn't know you." Tina patted her best friend on the back and opened the front door to her house, "That's weird, it's not locked..."

"Your parents are home, it wouldn't be locked." Misha suggested.

"They always lock it at 10, and it is 11:30." Tina looked scarred.

"Oh well maybe they forgot." Misha walked in.

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