Chapter 1

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"This class fucking sucks." Devlin whispered too me. I leaned over too my only companion in mr.wrights civics class and laughed "only 20 minutes until lunch... We can make it." I mumbled back , Devlin gave me and exhausted look but I only turned to face the board as a reply. Trying not to gain any attention from talking.

Devlin and I weren't close but we'd had plenty of classes together since we were freshman so we got along well enough to band together against our suckish teachers and bitchy classmates, it was easier to survive that way. My only issue with Devlin was that he was a trouble maker... He wasn't a hit bad boy so don't get it twisted, not to contradict myself but Devlin was actually pretty attractive but anything he did he got caught for, it's hard to be a bad ass when you always get busted. While I on the other hand licked to fly under the radar as far as rebellion goes getting in shit over dumb pranks and drama just doesn't appeal too me. Sorry not sorry.
The dismissal bell from 2nd period rang and I collected my stuff and filed out of my classroom with the rest of the class. It was Thursday so my friend kaele would be here soon to pick me up.
Kaele is a junior at Baldwin high ,it's a private boarding school on the coast, but kaeles been one of my closest friends since middle school so she leaves campus as much as she can to see me. It's only a 20 minute drive from her school to mine anyway. Thursday's are our lunch days when she gets to drive here and pick me up and we drive out to in and out or McDonald's too eat together and catch up. I was waiting out front of my school when kaeles black matte jeep pulled up next to the curb reserved for the buses her music blasting through the air.

I laughed as I jogged over too her car and hopped into the passengers side tossing my bag into the back seat.  "Where too gorgeous?" Kaele asked " hmm I'm feeling mcdons right now, What do you think?" I asked plugging my phone into the aux cord and letting sex with me by Rihanna blast through the speakers as kaele sped off out of the schools bus lane and onto the open road.
Kaele rolled down our side windows and let the warm breeze blow through her brown locks. Like usual she wore a cheeky smile showing off her sparkling white teeth... The perks of an upper class family I guess. Despite Kaele  perfect physical attributes she wasn't the best at everything she does in fact Kaele's  just above average as far as her grades go not too mention she's the biggest procrastinator I've ever met! But I have to give her props for keeping her image together if you saw her riding down the street In her jeep or just walking through the hallways you'd look at her and it would seem like she has her whole life together, something I could never pull off physically I almost always reflected what I was feeling. Kaele was popular as far as the school social higharchy goes but she didn't have many friends... Which explains why we're so close.
We pulled into the McDonald's drive thru as hotline bling by drake came on, kaele turned the song down a few notches and ordered our food... We had decided it would be easier for us to split a bunch of chicken nuggets and extra large fries but we got two different pops because vanilla coke is my favourite but Kaele just likes to drink sprite.

Like usual Kaele and I talked about random stuff going on in our lives. Nothing overly important and as we finished our food we were headed back to my school. My lunch wasn't over for another half hour but Kaele had to head back to her campus before her class started or she'd get into trouble which she didn't need anymore of. As I hopped out of Kaele's jeep and grabbed my bag from the back seat I waved bye and she replied by honking her horn several times before disappearing down the street.

I walked into the school and plugged in my headphones so I could just tune out the other students conversations and wander the halls for the remainder of my lunch break. A large group of extremely annoying girls started walking right behind me, they were so loud I could hear them through my blasted music. I turned around to tell these bitches to stfu when I ran face first into Abby. (aka the biggest bitch I've ever known and the only girl that's ever made fun of me because she was jealous of my 100 pack of crayons with the sharpener included in 2nd grade... Some people just can't let things go.) " eww get off greasy!" She yelled at me her friends falsely checking too make sure she wasn't hurt.
"Pardon? The only grease I see is in that pile of bleached weave bitch." Abby scowled at me and turned around walking away with her group of  snobby friends resuming whatever pointless conversation they were having before.

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