Chapter 2

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I was headed to my locker when I saw a girl running into the girls washroom... She was wearing the same uniform as Kaele and me being overly curious ran in after her. Jeez was that stupid, I walked in to find her stuffing a large ziplock bag full of something that looked like balled up parsley... {A.N if you guys don't know yet it's drugs... She has a big bag full of weed 😂 someone hit up snoop dogg} into her backpack. I automatically started backing up but my shoe squeaked on the wet tile floor and she turned around looking me straight in the eyes. "I can explain!" She yelled quickly zipping up her backpack and rushing towards me. She was really pretty, she had bright green eyes and long caramel hair she obviously went to the same school as kaele so why was she here... With drugs. "Why are you here? And with... That?" She looked really frightened and it scared me. " I need to get out of here. Please help me." She pleaded pulling me into a stall with her. "First tell me why your here and why your bag is full of weed!?" I sort of whisper yelled at her. " Okay, so my parents were paying for my tuition at school and my dad passed this past October so I needed money to pay off my debt so I can graduate next year... Selling drugs to a few random under achievers makes more money than getting a job at some greasy restaurant." She sighed and as dumb as her story was I actually believed her. Once again stupid. I sighed "what's your name?" I asked she smirked at me "Alexandra gray the 2nd. You?" She asked "Nicolette." She extended her hand for me to shake I reluctantly shook it. " so... Are you gonna help me get out of here or?" She asked "sure... How do we do that again?" I asked cluelessly. She just grinned and me and I backed up until my back hit the cold stall wall. " take of your hoodie." She said I did as I was told and she tossed it over her uniform shirt and pulled down her kilted skirt revealing spandex shorts." It's not exactly school appropriate but I should be able to walk around like this." She stated. We walked out of the stall and she walked to the mirror pulling her long hair into a messy bun. " okay so in case anyone's seen me I don't want to be pointed out in the halls so If we walk out of here a few minutes apart and go in different directions we should be okay... Here take my back pack and meet me behind the school okay?" She handed me her bag and I slowly took it and slung it over my left shoulder and nodded. " okay count to like 25 before you leave the bathroom I'll see you soon nic." She quickly ran out of the bathroom and I stood there and counted. Once I got to about 30 I walked out of the bathroom and started making my way towards the back of the school... Unfortunately my schools VP was already there and I must have looked really quilts when I saw him and quickly tried to turn and run away.... To spare you the details I got busted with about a pound of marjuana and got questioned by the police but since their was no evidence that I had sold any of it and nothing linking me to actually owning the bag I got released but I got kicked out of my school... After a lot of persuading from kaele and her mom my parents finally agreed to let me attend the boarding school along the coast. Yay. Can't wait until everyone meets me and realizes I got kicked out of school for selling drugs. 😪😪

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