I was bored so once I drew this. I found it back again! Oh yeah, I drew it some time ago, so sorry for the bad English... What the poem? No, one of the letters on the ground. If you have good eyes you can see the second one, 'leave me alone'. Yeah, I wrote 'leaf me alone'... OMG I'M STUPID!
Oh yeah, please don't steal the poem I made next to it, I'm making a song of it! SO DON'T STEAL!
Arianna's awesome art 2.0
HumorHI GUYS OMG thank you all for reading my previous art book, 'Arianna's awesome art'. So, here's a new book! I'm going to make a new art book, every time when I reached my age, 187! I hope ya guys enjoy ma Creepypasta and other shit I publish! TEM T...