Chapter 7: I Love You...

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Elisha's P.O.V

its been 3 weeks since Cameron and I have been dating , I truly love him with my whole body.

I woke up this morning to Cameron fast asleep so got up and went downstairs I saw a note from George and Alex and Noah

"Elisha we've gone to work and we are going out after work with our girls and we should back at 11pm tonight don't worry about waiting up love you! G,A,N xxx" I smiled I saw that they had not washed up there plates "really?" I mumbled and started washing up and I felt someone's warm hands wrap around my waist "morning cam" I smiled "morning babe"  he winked and I smiled , he picked me up and held me but my waist and carried me upstairs , he sat down on the bed still kissing Him , why am I so lucky ? I love him so much "I love you Cameron Dallas" I smiled at him "No I love you !" he smiled I kissed him and he slowly layed down and I was kissing him and he tugged at my top and I took it off and I took his top off and he put me on my down and was kissing my neck and I let out a small moan and he kissed my lips again and I tugged at his shorts and he stopped at looked in my eye "are you sure you want to do this?"  I smiled "yeah" and I kissed him slowly and he took off his shorts and he tugged at mine and I nodded and he took them off , now we when both fully naked he stared at my body and started smirking at me and he said " beautiful " and he was kissing me again and I kissing his neck and along his jawline and he let out a small moan and I started smiling and he said "are defiantly sure?" I smiled "yes Cameron I'm ready I love you " he smiled " I love you too" he held my hips and slowly slipped it in and we both let out a few moans and we were kissing and he was kissing my neck and we kept swapping over him on top then me on top .

we where just laying there looking in each others eyes and smiled at each other Cameron smiled and sat up and kissed me and said" come on lets get in the shower " I nodded and said" one sec let me just put my bed sheets in the wash " I grabbed my bed sheets and ran downstairs and I put them in the wash then ran back upstairs I walked into my bathroom and took off my top and hopped in the shower be hind Cameron he turned around and smiled" I love you so much " I smiled " I love you too" we washed out body's and hair we got out and I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my cupboard and I picked out a skater skirt and a tyedye crop top "Cameron what do you think about this ?" I turned and he was smiling at me " I think you look better naked" and winked at me "well I cant be naked all day if the boys are coming round and I'm going to the hair dressers to get my hair done " I smiled and grabbed my bra and sexy pants and walked over to the bathroom and I shut the door and shave my legs and put some moistures on my legs and put my bra on and pants and the crop top and I put the skirt on and brushed my hair and left it down and walked into my room and Cameron had put on a new bed sheet on and made my bed , he was sat on it , he was changed he was wearing a tyedye top and some jeans and I said " right  I'm going to the hair dressers now I'm be back soon try not to burn my house down with the boys " I smiled and kissed him and walked downstairs I grabbed my purse and bag I opened the door and grabbed the keys to Georges truck and I looked up to see the boys " hey come in ill be back in a bit" they nodded and walked in .

I just had my hair dyed and permed , I got it permed really curly  (like the photo up above ) I cant wait to get home to show the boys so I looked in my bag and found a beanie i held it and said "thank you" and paid , i went to my car and put it on i put all my hair in it , i started driving and got home and i got out and grabbed my bag and phone , i walked into the house and i shouted" hi I'm back " i put my bag on the kitchen table and i walked over to the fridge , i grabbed a dr pepper and opened in and drank a bit of it and i heard loads of people running downstairs and i shouted " boys wait in the front room and ill be in there in a min" i heard jack say " okay" i checked that no hair was showing and walked in the front room , they were all sat on the sofas " you ready ?" they nodded i pulled off the beanie and flipped my hair a bit and said " do you like it?" they all smiled but Cameron "Cameron?" i was scared he hated it " you look so .... gorgeous !" he smiled and kissed  me "thank god you like it" i smiled i heard my brothers come in behind me and they were laughing and they stopped "Elisha whos they tall girl with frizzy hair?" i turned around and smiled "Elisha????" Alex said smiling "you likey??" i smiled "yeah it cool i love it " George said "i like it but yeah" Alex said "looks amazing Elisha" Noah smiled and hugged me "thank youu" i smiled " I'm pretty tired so I'm going to go to bed night guys " Cameron said " night princess ill see you Monday " i nodded and kissed him and i waved at the rest of the boys and went upstairs and took a photo of my hair and sent it to my mum "look at my new hair " i texted "wow its beautiful dad loves it too" i smiled " good night my beautiful mummy and daddy" "night darling" i smiled and got changed ,i ran downstairs and grabbed some food and some sweets and one sweet was hanging out of my mouth and i ran upstairs and ate some food and went to sleep.

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