Chapter 9: I cant do this anymore

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Elisha's P.O.V

its been 4 1/2 months since Cameron spoke to me, I don't want my baby growing up with out a dad!

I woke up this morning hearing someone banging my door "SHUT THE FUCK UP" I shouted and got up and walked to my door and opened it "Elisha someone's at the door for you" Noah said with a weak smile "okay " I said and walked down stairs , I walked In the kitchen and  I heard someone talking from the front room "Noah whos here again" I was eating a apple and I started talking to my bump " I know your only little but I love you" I smiled and laughed at my self "Elisha " someone said from behind me , I turned around and Cameron was staring at me but he was hand in hand with Kate , I felt like a knife just stabbed me "get her out my house  now!" I said and walked out into my garden and sat on my patio chair "what the fuck " I said to my self ,  I wish I could just stop this pain in side " I'm sorry baby but mummy's just a bit upset because mummy still loves your daddy and it hurts to see he's moved on but if it makes him happy them mummy is okay with that" I said letting a few tears fall out my eyes I rubbed my tummy "Elisha " Cameron said "huh?" I said wiping my tears away " I'm sorry" he said and sat next to me "sorry for what " I said bluntly "for this , I love you not her and I cant get rid of her i've tried for months  she just wont let me break up with her , I fucking love you! she's a regret and the time I wasted with her I would rather of spent that with you and our baby " he said getting upset " Cameron I love you , I can get rid of her if you want " I said and stood up, I walked in my house "KATE? hunni leave you fucking bitch Cameron doesn't want you , he wants to be a father to his child and a good man to his mother of his child now get the fuck out my house before I whoop your ass I might be pregnant but I got a good punch " I shouted at her " oh fuck off he's mine , he doesn't want no ugly self harming slut ! who got up the duff with a spastic baby whos probably going to look fucked up too" she shouted I punched her straight in the mouth "get the fuck out of my house whore" I pushed her out of my house " there you go cam " I smiled he came up to me and kissed me " I missed you so much" he smiled "we've missed you too" I smiled and kissed him again.

"Cameron I have an ultrasound today you wanna come?" I shouted from the bathroom "yeah " he smiled as I walked out in a tight top and some leggings , I put my uggs on and said " does this look okay?" "yes it looks perfect!" he smiled I blushed "okay right shall we go?"  I smiled "yeah come on then babe" Cameron winked I smiled and walked down the stairs "Elisha don't forget about..." Noah said then I said" we are going now  chill" I pushed Alex out my way " move" I laughed I grabbed  the keys and headed for the door "wait I got  my truck so i could take us" Cameron smiled , i put the keys down and smiled "okay then lets go" i walked out to his truck and we started to drive to hospital "so do we know if its a girl or boy ?" Cameron spoke up " um i don't know yet" i smiled "oh okay then" its really awkward we pulled up and i got out and started walking , i felt Cameron hold my hand , i looked at his hand and i didn't know if i trusted him yet? he was with the girl who bullied me for months "Elisha i haven't seen you around school lately" Cameron said "oh i don't go and i make youtube videos now" i smiled "Elisha Higgs" the nurse said i smiled and walked out to her "hi how are you?"i smiled " I'm good sweetie hows you and baby?" she smiled "we are good" "is this daddy?" she smiled "yeah " we said at the same time. we walked into the room " hi miss higgs how are we today " the doctor said "hi we are good " i smiled Cameron sat down on the chair "so shall we do the ultrasound "  he smiled i nodded ,  i layed down and pulled up my top and he put the cream on my belly its so cold , he started doing the ultra sound and started smiling "would you like to know the sex?" i smiled and looked at Cameron he nodded at me and i smiled "yes please "  " okay so your going to be having a little Girl " i smiled and let a few tears out "we are having a little girl!" i cried and smiled at Cameron he was crying and smiling " our little girl " i smiled and Cameron kissed me " i think we should get all the boys around and tell everyone at the same time " i smiled wiping my tears away " yeah ill call the boys " he stood up and stepped outside , i turned to the doctor " could we have some photos please " he nodded and went to print some photos off i rang my mum

"hello?" i smiled

" hello whats up sweetie " she said

"well i have some news but you cant tell any one yet ill text you when you can out , promise me you wont say anything" i smiled

"of course sweetie  i promise" she laughed

" we found out if we are having a boy or girl and we are having a little girl!" i smiled she screamed

"oh my , i cant believe it , i lost that bet then i bet your father that you was having a little boy but dad said a little girl " i laughed

"well ill text you later don't tell the boys i want to surpise them" i smiled

"okay bye sweetie!" she smiled

 and hung up , Cameron walked back in and said "we got to meet them there" i nodded the doctor gave me some more photos and we walked out and got in the truck and drove home.

(A/N I'm putting the part where they find out in the next chapter !)

16 & pregnant ; Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now