hi my name is Elisha Higgs and I'm 16 years old, I got to school and I get badly bullied by Lauren , Millie and Kate and Jess.
I have tired to commit suicide many time but it never works, my life is alright when I'm at home but when I'm at school th...
I'm 9 months Pregnant now so my little girls going to be here any day now.
I woke up this morning to here laughing from downstairs I smiled and got up and walked downstairs I said " morning" I smiled and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water , I walked into the living room and I dropped the glass of water and began to cry " get them out of this house right now" I said stepping backwards, it was Jess, Kate , Lauren and Millie "get out !" I screamed and opened the door and waited for them to walk out and they left , I decided to call Cameron
"hello?" I said
"hello? are you okay?" he said sounding worried
"yeah I'm fine but we need to decide her name because she will be here anyday now cam" I said
"okay I was thinking Shopie?" he said
" I hate the name Shopie sorry " I giggled
"okay think think think" he said
"Olivia May Dallas? Livvy for short?" I smiled
" that's? perfect!" he laughed sweetly
"great its Olivia May Dallas!" I laughed and smiled then suddenly got a pain in my stomach "ergh ow "
"what's wrong ?" Cameron said worried
" I don't know I just got a really bad pain in my stomach " I said rubbing my belly
"right I'm coming home !" he said
"okay I love you Cameron !" I said
"i loved you to Elisha!" he said and hung up and I smiled and walked downstairs and said" Noah Alex ? George ?" "yeah ?" they said " come here" I said and they came and sat down " Olivia May Dallas" I smiled "huh?" Noah said "that's her Name its Olivia May Dallas and Livvy for short " they smiled and said "that's great and beautiful!" I smiled "right I want to go get one of them baby bump things done , I had it done it looked so cute
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we were gone a good few hours getting it done
when we got home I got a phone call from Cameron " on my way now!" he said and hung up , hum he's so weird, I went in the shower and left the cast on my bed I was washing my belly and I felt her kick , I laughed to my self and I washed my hair and everything and shaved everything, I mean everything... I got out and dried my hair and got a tight to out and grabbed a pair of trackies and got changed and I went on my phone and I heard a car door slam , I stood up and walked to my bedroom door and stood there I heard Camerons voice and I went as fast as I could down the stairs and I went to the living room and all of the boys were there , I couldn't talk , I screamed and started crying " your all here!" I was so happy "yeah we missed you to much" they said and I hugged every single one of them "guys I fucking love you for coming back" I smiled "anything for you baby girl " Carter said "yeah anything for you little mama" Jackg smiled . its been about 2 hours since they got here " I'm tired I'm going to bed night guys" I smiled " good night" is what everyone said and I got in to bed , I have been in bed for 5 minute's and I heard my door open "Elisha? can I sleep with you tonight" Cameron asked "yeah sure hop in" I smiled and I felt a dip in my bed and he rapped his arms around me and put his hand on my bump and I fell asleep .
I woke up to this stabbing pain I screamed in pain "Cameron " I said "babe whats wrong!?!" he said I stood up and I bent over on the bed "erghhhh this hurts" then my waters broke "did you piss yourself?" Cameron laughed " NO! SHES COMING !" I screamed "OUR BABY IS COMIGN RIGHT NOW" I cried .......