Memories i want to forget

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Dipper POV:
I'm sorry I didn't know Dipper" Coraline said. I wiped the tears from my eyes "it's ok I just....don't usually talk about it" "See Cory everything is fine no need to apologize" Wirt said. "Cory?" I laughed a little. "Yeah we all have nicknames here given by friend or foe.....did I say that right? Foe is the right word right?" Coraline didn't seem to confident. I laugh a little again. "Hey guys schools almost over do ya wanna go to the Susan's diner and hangout?" Norman asked while putting his scarf back on. "Well I have to go back to my place after school ends or my great uncle would worry about were I am" "that's fine Dipper we will see you tomorrow" they said as they left. I made my way downstairs and headed out the door of the school when Jason stopped me. "So your a family guy huh? Well that makes things easier for me." Jason smiled like he knew something even more important. "What do you mean by that?" "Meet me on the roof at 2:00am before the witching hour and you will see" Jason and his friends walked off pushing me down and getting me stepped on a bit. I got up and walked home thinking "Witching hour" I knew all out the witches hour and just thinking about it gave me the creeps but why before the witching hour why not after or during. I had a bad feeling about this . I walked into the shack and saw all the customers and walked right passed them when Wendy called me "hey Dipper, Ford wanted to talk to you about something he's in the living room area I think" "ok thanks" I replied then walked into the house part of the shack and just like Wendy said, Ford was in the living room area siting down. "Dipper take a seat" I did as I was told. "How was school today Dipper?" "It was......ok" Ok was not the way to describe my day but I mean it wasn't a total bad day just a little bad day I mean it could have been worse. "Really? After what Mabel told me what happened I'm having a hard time believing that and I can tell you have been crying Dipper your eyes are red and you still look upset" "Mabel told you what happened?" "Yes she did....are you ok Dipper I mean I know it has been hard on you about all that's been happening and what's happening at school is making it worse....maybe I shouldn't have put you in school" Ford looked like he was thinking. "No it's ok Ford, I'm ok" "ok, tell me if you need anything Dipper I'll be in Stan's room helping him if you need me" Ford said patting my shoulder as he walked off. I went upstairs. I just lied to Ford for the first time ever. My eyes started to fill with tears again. Dang it. I wiped them away not wanting to cry. I ended up falling asleep in my bed after a while.

I was in my room when i heard a voice "PINETREE" it was yelling at me. I turned around but saw no one. "PINETREE HELP" I knew the voice belonged to Bill Cipher. "BILL WHERE ARE YOU" I yelled out. The place turned dark. When I could see again I saw a school. It was my old school, the one I went to before I moved to Gravity Falls. I didn't want to be here even if it was a dream I hated this place. I heard voices coming from a room. I went into the room only to see a old memory. It was the kind of memory you would like to see over and over again it was the kind of memory that you didn't like, it was a bad memory. It was in 4th grade all the kids were pointing and laughing at me calling me names like "Star boy, Little Dipper, pine head" then the ones that shouldn't get to me like "idiot, stupid, dummy" I tried to leave the memory but I was stuck and couldn't move. "NO I DONT WANT TO SEE THIS" I tried to move but it was impossible for me to. Little me started crying as the other kids just laughed at little me "cry baby" they called little me all the names over and over again making little me cry even more. Finally little me ran out of the room. I wanted to cry myself, seeing that memory didn't make me feel good. Finally the memory was over and I could move again. I left the room and went into another one. This one lead me out side. It was 7th grade and I was getting beat up. The main bully gave me a weggie as 7th grade me tried to get away. He threw 7th grade me to the ground. "Hey guys lets see if our fist will fit in his face" they started punching 7th grade me when suddenly I found my self getting punched instead. I was reliving the memory of that day. I was in 7th grade me's place. "LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled but notice that I was little so it wouldn't really matter. "Haha look he's trying to fight back what a idiot" one of them said then kicked me. I notice that tears were falling from my eyes. Everything turned white. When once again I heard the voice yelling "PINETREE HELP ME"

Dream end.

I woke up and saw Ford next to my bed "Dipper what's wrong?" He looked worried. I was crying in real life as I shook my head. "Memories, bad memories Ford" Ford hugged me as I was still crying. "It's ok Dipper it's over now" I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while, just me hugging Ford while crying and Ford hugging back, I don't care if I'm to old for it I was scared. A while later I stopped crying. "Are you ok now Dipper" he asked moving some hair out of my face and wiping some tears from my face. "I-I think so" I knew I sounded like a little kid but I didn't care if I did or not. "good, I have to get back to my work but call me if you need anything or if anything happens. I nodded my head ok as he walked out of the room. I wiped some tears off of my face the checked the time 1:00am. I had one hour before I had to go meet Jason which I really did not want to do but it seemed like I had to. I got up but didn't change since I was still wearing the cloths from today. I sneaked past the area Ford was at and went out the door. I ran until the shack was out of sight then started walking. It took 40 minutes to get to school on foot. When I arrived at school I started my way up to the roof.

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