Babysitting with Niall Horan

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"Yes Lacey, but only because I love you ." I say to my sister very loudly as she walks to her car for a very long trip.

He turns around and says,

"Love you, Kars."

With that she was off for her very long trip to California.

"Mom, I'm leaving to go babysit now."

"Oh we will miss you honey! 2 weeks is very much time to be away!" She says sadly.

"I know, but I have to. And I do love kids mom." I smile reassuringly.

I drive away.

I walk to the front porch.

"Nice to see you, Karsyn." A woman sweetly smiled at me.

"Hello." I smiled back politely.

"Come in! Come in my dear!"

I walked in and she showed me all the rooms and bed rooms.

"Oh and Christopher needs warm milk to get himself to sleep."

I nodded.

I have to watch 3 kids with another person I have never met before. I hope that I get a long with whoever this may be.

"Oh! That would be my nephew at the door! I will be right back!"

We were outside as the young ones were running around playing on their little playground. I smiled and watched them. I walked over to introduce myself.

"Hi! I'm Karysn. I will be with you for 2 weeks." I smiled widely.

"Hii!! I'm Addie and I'm 4!" She yelled. She seems smart already for a 4 year old.

"I'm Noah and I'm 7." He smiled with a missing tooth in the front.

"My name is Macy and I'm 10."

"It's so nice to meet all of you." I smiled.

Noah and Macy ran off and Addie walked off but came back holding a small sunflower that she picked from her backyard where then had a little sunflower patch.

"For you." She said.

She held it in her hands. I smiled and as I was taking it, I saw people standing in the corner of my eye.

"Thank you, Addie. I love it." I smiled and she hugged me.

I put it in my hair behind my ear.

I walked towards the lady and a young man.

"Hello. I'm sorry, I was just meet your kids." I said.

"Oh it's fine dear! I think they like you already! This is Niall, my nephew." She motioned to the blue-eyed blonde haired boy standing next to her.

He seemed dumbstruck when he saw me and I was quite embarrassed.

"Hi, I'm Niall." He said waving.


"That's a nice name." He said.

"Oh thanks." I smiled.

"I'm sorry dears, but I must be on my way. You know the way around the house Niall and I need you to help Karsyn." The lady said.

"Okay. Have a nice trip!" he shouted as she walked fairly far already.

He turned back to me. He shoved his hands in his pockets. I looked at the kids playing because I didn't know where else to look.

We stood on the deck and talked.

Babysitting with Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now